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Remy Monsen
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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #112 - Nov 21st, 2023 at 2:14pm
Sad to hear about Carsten. I was wondering where he had gone to.

I never got to buy him that beer I owe him Sad
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Re: Since you mentioned Carsten ...
Reply #111 - Nov 17th, 2023 at 11:24pm
This news came as a terrible shock to me.  I was due to visit Carsten in Denmark on my European visit. He promised me some very fine whiskey.

Very, very sad indeed
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Since you mentioned Carsten ...
Reply #110 - Sep 19th, 2023 at 12:22am
Batchman wrote on Aug 9th, 2023 at 4:11pm:
... fond thoughts for those who have passed, or who've just fallen out of contact!

Since you mentioned Carsten, I sadly read the following post that was made by his son Morten that Carsten passed away on October 21, 2020.

I don't think I knew that Carsten had passed away until February 18, 2022. That's when I shared on my own Facebook page one of the last three posts that Carsten made before his death. I always loved his droll sense of humor, and that post made me laugh.

It was probably then that I noticed a post made by Corey Chapman in that same thread that gave condolences to Carsten's son Morten who in turn posted a reply to Carsten.

Rest in peace!

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #109 - Aug 9th, 2023 at 4:11pm
I, too, have a more than 20 year history with YaBB. Somewhere in the last year, my last forum went dark. I don't even know why. One day it was working, the next day it was throwing up 500 errors.

I complained to my hosting company (I hadn't touched any of the code in more than a decade, so it wasn't a change on my side. It had to be something they had changed on their perl install or something like that.)

On the negative side, they had no belief that anything had changed in their servers. On the positive side, they went out and got a copy of the latest release YaBB software, installed it, and moved all of the messages of my forum over, which is FAR above and beyond the expected level of support on a cheap (something like $5 a month hosting plan) server place. Unfortunately, it had none of the mods that made my forum home to me, and many of them were not available on the newest release, which is why I wasn't using it.

But to a great extent, forums are not used nearly as much as they once were, and I have to admit my forum was dead long before it died. Had been a year since the last post, and in the year prior it probably got 6 or 7 posts for the whole year.

Many fond memories for many great people! Still wish Carsten a yearly birthday wish, but fond thoughts for those who have passed, or who've just fallen out of contact!

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #108 - Mar 23rd, 2023 at 5:05pm
Pieszyce wrote on Mar 19th, 2023 at 9:18pm:
Good luck and so long

Thank you for your update. I always appreciate feedback from other YaBB users. It's very helpful. Smiley

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #107 - Mar 19th, 2023 at 9:18pm
I realize this won't be much of a consolation to you, but a lot of webmasters administered their entire websites through their YaBB forums. When that software failed, or when it became obsolete, and inoperable, their websites were effectively shuttered.

My websites are separate from YaBB. For the websites I have wordpress and discussions are not possible there, that is closed, is also different news on it than I post on the forum. So that's just the problem. I use everything separated to avoid this, the bolded in the quote, more work but safer. Cool

The solution? Create a new index page, explain what happened, and tell your website's visitors to stay tuned.

That new Index has been around since December 2022. That's the modified index from the emptied forum, after I made the backup and had another backup made by the host (his last one), which he sent me as a rar. Smiley

I can see it, I'm now going to spend a few weeks solidly translating and working on the Html library, but the original backups will last forever, after all, you never know, won't be the first time a developer group quit and revert to something from the past to improve it.

Good luck and so long
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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #106 - Mar 19th, 2023 at 8:15pm
From my perspective, it seems that you're headed in the right direction when it comes to your dilemma with YaBB.

The information that I have in the YaBB forum that I operate is hardly important since it's just an entertainment portal that's specific to one production, i.e., it's simply being used as reference points. The sudden loss of that forum wouldn't shutter the production even though it would be an unwanted, and major inconvenience.

In your case, all of that translated news about Poland, including all countries in Central and Eastern Europe seems to be very important information. I'm glad that you have backups of it all; at least 80% of it.

Regarding the backup you have of YaBB on your PC, I hope it's not just the actual YaBB backup. In other words, I hope it's a backup of your actual files. My preference is to use WinSCP for my backups. Flat files have the advantage of being searchable, which can be very helpful.

By the way, like you, even though I'm on my cell phone a lot, I'm a desktop guy. That's my preference. I think a lot of people are that way even though the stats I've seen over the years show that websites are mostly accessed by smart phones. Of course, as you pointed out, discussions are few these days because the keys are too small for long posts.

Luckily, though, pinching & resizing a smart phone's screen makes reading a YaBB forum pretty easy to do. It's not mobile ready like phpBB or SMF are, but it's not that big of a deal for me.

Pieszyce wrote on Mar 19th, 2023 at 3:53pm:
This is very easily said, you should say that to a city library one day when it is totally burned down.

Ironically, your example of a city library burning down is exactly what happened to the Central Library in downtown Los Angeles in 1986. I remember it well. That fire damaged more than one million books. The library was closed for seven years. Particularly for the employees, it was a devastating loss. A lof them suffered anxiety, and depression because they were no longer serving the public.

There's an African proverb that says, "When an old man dies, a library burns to the ground."

I realize this won't be much of a consolation to you, but a lot of webmasters administered their entire websites through their YaBB forums. When that software failed, or when it became obsolete, and inoperable, their websites were effectively shuttered.

The solution? Create a new index page, explain what happened, and tell your website's visitors to stay tuned.

For me personally, a setback like losing a YaBB forum will inspire me to change operations for the better. I won't like it, and I'll surely complain like you're rightfully doing, but my intention will be to continue to see the glass as half full.

You seem to be the kind of person who figures things out. After all, you've already come up with solutions to your dilemma with YaBB. Smiley

Take care.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #105 - Mar 19th, 2023 at 3:53pm
Welcome to the club, I have the same half-full glass.  Wink

The problem is, you don't understand what MY problem is. My forum contains translated news about Poland and actually about all countries in Central and Eastern Europe, I translate articles 13 hours a day about what happens there, from Polish to Dutch. Discussions are few these days, now that everyone has a smarttphone because the keys are too small for long posts so people prefer not to write too much. I am a desktop guy and will never change that.

Since YaBB forums are now at risk of failing, it is untenable and too much of a risk for me to continue with that software, because I could suddenly lose EVERYTHING. Also what was on the forum as history. 18 years of information is now 80% stored on the PC via a backup the rest is on a forum with other software. From that 80% we are going to grind html pages and place them in a kind of library, unimportant news is deleted. If YaBB had NOT stopped, I would not have had to do this now, as this is extra and very much work.

Converters are not there, otherwise I would have used them. If one wants help, some ask for a fortune.  Angry

If or when it does stop working, I'll adapt just as I have with everything else that's become obsolete over the years. Change isn't always easy to accept even when that change is good. But change is inevitable.

This is very easily said, you should say that to a city library one day when it is totally burned down.
Oh, I certainly know what change can mean. After 20 years of municipal politics as a city councilman and alderman, I have experienced enough change.
However, a forum with the work I do there is totally different. I just can't access and edit a huge amount of posts down through the forum, as said over 18 years of translation work and historiography on Poland gone. It exists only in a backup. THAT Mr. Myers is MY reason for complaining. Your forums I do not know, my forum has a team of people working on it and every day, two have already left because their work is no longer visible. NOW my host no longer wants Perl on his server it is all over and out. Oh yes, sure, I can get another host. But with the uncertainty of whether YaBB will remain stable for the first 10 years, that's a change risk. Not EVERY CHANGE IS AN IMPROVEMENT.

I'll leave it at this.

I wish you continued enjoyment  Smiley
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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #104 - Mar 15th, 2023 at 7:20pm
Pieszyce wrote on Mar 14th, 2023 at 7:01pm:
I put THEM  Cry Cry in the text because I feel sad about the way everything ends, 18 years I worked with YaBB and really liked it, but now there were problems with videos, only You Tube went well, the rest did not.

I understand. I felt sad about it all, too. Cry

The thing is, I'm one of those the glass is half full kind of people, which is why I choose to stick with YaBB even when I also had some issues with it (including issues with videos, which I worked out on my own).

After all, from my generally positive point of view, YaBB was always superior in regard to the way that I used it; better than any of the other forums out there for me personally. It didn't need to literally be the best; just the best for me. Even if the YaBB forum I still operate stopped working today, and I'm unable to fix it, it had an amazing 21+ year run.

If or when it does stop working, I'll adapt just as I have with everything else that's become obsolete over the years. Change isn't always easy to accept even when that change is good. But change is inevitable.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #103 - Mar 15th, 2023 at 6:58pm
Pieszyce wrote on Mar 14th, 2023 at 7:01pm:
Why did you change the smileys in the quote?

Just so you know, I didn't change the smilies in your quote. I used the Mark and Quote feature.

I didn't realize that there's a glitch in this forum while using that feature (at least in Preview mode).  Smiley

Please see the EDIT in my post in which I manually corrected that glitch. Thank you.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #102 - Mar 15th, 2023 at 5:25pm

We had coppermine 10 years ago, always caused conflicts, so we stopped doing that.

We were also convinced of YaBB, if we hadn't been, we would have switched 15 years ago when the rumbling with Hemel and others started, beating a dead horse is a lot of work.

SMF not German? And this then?;id=21

A very good friend of ours in the US also has a forum, was close to 500,000 and then decided with his team to delete everything that was nonsense and not important in the forum, important things have been moved to a shadow forum and put on the originally contains two lines of text and a link to the shadow forum. But I'm not worried about that, before I reach 100,000 again we will be at least 4 years later and for me it's time to stop.

But now I have another problem. In 2011, my new host hosted my forum at OVH SAS in Roubaix France, without my knowledge. Since this company caused too much turmoil and I had to block every time scipting through them, I demanded from my host that I migrate to the Netherlands with all the websites I have.

You can, but on their own servers they don't accept CGI-Bin and Perl, so that's another problem to continue with YaBB. OVH now has a Cloud, well I really don't want to sit there any more, as also with Cloudflare. The last one I had for 2 years, but the way they work, caused regular outages, downtimes off 2 days and spam attacks, is easy to block with YaBB, but rather not.

So I think I'll unsubscribe here soon, because I can't use it anymore, first wait and see what a wealthy friend of ours is researching, my own server where and my sites and forum are on it. But that will take a while.

Greetings  Wink
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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #101 - Mar 15th, 2023 at 2:08pm
Pieszyce wrote on Mar 14th, 2023 at 7:16pm:
From June 2022, I sent you at least 5 PBs asking how far along you were and if you could help me restore the video capabilities so that I could embed all videos and not just YT.

If I could have, I would have helped you. I solved the problem in another way. Simply put it in the forum via a coppermine gallery and then an icon. That works fine.

Sure, you're right, there are still errors, but I can't solve them myself, only a coder can do that and that's not me. Incidentally, I was a moderator in the YaBB forum, although I actually only looked after the German-speaking ones and I even went so far as to install the forum for the members and that without money. I was simply convinced of YaBB. Nobody warned me that it would end like this. I'm pissed off myself, but I'm still trying to make the best of it as far as I can.

I admit that I also toyed with the idea of doing something with SMF. They still don't have a German language website, but YaBB does, at least in the YaBB forum. However, what's stopping me is the SQL database. While this makes the forum a little faster, it is limited. Wait what happens when you have 500000 in 50000 threads and you have to reset the forum. Have fun, I'm done. Since flat file is much easier.

I just play that up, rebuild the topic index and that's it. So why should I open up more work in this direction? Sure, I can understand Dandello too, she puts in a lot of work and gets nothing for it. But is money everything? Everyone has to decide the question for themselves.

However, what I miss with YaBB is a mobile template. Maybe I can persuade Dandello to do one.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #100 - Mar 14th, 2023 at 7:16pm
pyragony54 wrote on Mar 14th, 2023 at 6:01pm:
As I already wrote, I don't really need YaBB 2.7. YaBB 2.6.12 runs very stable and it will not crash. Almost 500,000 entries and almost 50,000 topics are probably the best proof. The forum runs very fast thanks to Cloudflare's nameservers and will continue to do so in the future.

If you really need help, feel free to contact me.


From June 2022, I sent you at least 5 PBs asking how far along you were and if you could help me restore the video capabilities so that I could embed all videos and not just YT.

Given that I got no response, not even responses on Dandelloo's forum. That was the trigger that made the Poland forum team decide to switch to the new system.

As written, I have a complete backup of YaBB from November 2022, but I don't think the team will want to go back again and help me transfer the already over 2,500 new post again.

I think they will say to me Too LATE, I also still do not understand why more registered members of this forum are not responding to what is happening.


« Last Edit: Mar 15th, 2023 at 11:46am by Pieszyce »  
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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #99 - Mar 14th, 2023 at 7:01pm
Why did you change the smileys in the quote?

I put THEM  Cry Cry  in the text because I feel sad about the way everything ends, 18 years I worked with YaBB and really liked it, but now there were problems with videos, only You Tube went well, the rest did not. Dandelloo knew that but had no solution.

Furthermore, I can tell you that I am aware of everything, because I already worked with Yabb in 2004, was a member of the YaBB Support Forum, had contact with Ene Lee, JonB who installed the first version for me against payment, Spikecity who my contact was because of our nationality. I was there when you spoke out against what was wrong. I was ONLINE at the time, I made contact asking to respect your opinion, but they didn't want that. So I am aware of everything, including that a Dutchman, a Groningen man named Hemel stubbornly stopped. I always said, the beginning of the end was caused by him. Even Spike agreed.

So I'm not going to answer the rest because it makes no sense.

Since I had bugs and problems with version 2.6.12 and my question to Dandelloo to install 2.7 but didn't answer, our team switched to the new system (Won't name the name) I've done that with many reluctantly, but because no one could or wanted to help me with the news videos (important to me) it became a new forum.
I still have a full backup of the old one, but I don't know if I still feel like going back since the new one already has over 2,500 posts.

If I hadn't received an email from pyragony54 about HIS forum and how far along it was, we probably wouldn't even be writing here today.

Furthermore, everyone has their own way of using a Yabb forum, one as a social medium, me to post translated news, without having to start an extra medium.

This is now My Beloved YaBB forum, . As you can see a dead Horse.

Have a nice day, I'll leave it at that.
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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #98 - Mar 14th, 2023 at 6:01pm
As I already wrote, I don't really need YaBB 2.7. YaBB 2.6.12 runs very stable and it will not crash. Almost 500,000 entries and almost 50,000 topics are probably the best proof. The forum runs very fast thanks to Cloudflare's nameservers and will continue to do so in the future.

If you really need help, feel free to contact me.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #97 - Mar 14th, 2023 at 5:23pm
Pieszyce wrote on Mar 14th, 2023 at 12:07pm:
YaBB is indeed dead,  Cry  Cry because ...

Pieszyce wrote on Mar 14th, 2023 at 12:07pm:
YaBB is indeed dead,  Wink Wink

Pieszyce wrote on Mar 14th, 2023 at 7:01pm:
Why did you change the smileys in the quote?

Just so you know, I didn't change the smilies until this edit (see your original quote above).

I used the Mark and Quote feature. I didn't realize that there's a glitch in this forum while using that feature (at least in Preview mode).  Smiley

Interesting. Sorry about that. I guess I should have duplicated your smilies as follows:

  Cry Cry

Ah, good. That worked. As such, I corrected the glitch above in your quote because it should of course be accurate. Thank you for letting me know so that I could fix it. I appreciate it.  Smiley

As I believe you may already know, shortly after YaBB 1.0 was released, there was a 2nd program written in 2001 called YaBB SE 1, and that "YaBB SE split off from the YaBB SE team" back in 2003. "On September 30, 2003, the first "YaBB SE/SMF" product, SMF 1.0 Beta 1a, was released."

YaBBers like us, however, stayed with YaBB because we preferred it. Back then, some of us who were active on the now defunct YaBB Support Forum realized that it likely wouldn't be sustainable because there was no democratic structure to maintain its integrity.

That's to say, that forum was operated as a private operation rather than a quasi-public one, which is why it wasn't uncommon for members to be temporarily, or permanently suspended for obviously personal reasons. That's about the time that many members switched over to SMF when there was still an effectly working converter.

Because I spoke out about the unacceptable, and inexplicable censoring that was going on, I was temporarily suspended a couple of times from the YaBB Support Forum. However, like others who were suspended, we still had access thanks to supporters who shared a handful of generic usernames.

In any case, that was the beginning of the end for YaBB as we knew it. Had it not been for Dandello's creation of this YaBB Development & Mods Forum, which I've always considered to be a true extension of the original YaBB Support Forum given her public record of supporting YaBB, and all of the help that she's offered over the years, I suppose that YaBB could otherwise be considered dead.

Nonetheless, YaBB forums still exist. I still prefer using YaBB. I'll continue to use it until it stops working.

As I've mentioned before, though, and in the order of my personal preference, I have a phpBB forum as well as a SMF forum that are operational if either one is needed. Frankly, however, I've really only used the YaBB forum as an extra way to organize content versus having it serve as social media.

Things change, and that's okay.
« Last Edit: Mar 15th, 2023 at 6:53pm by Bill Myers »  

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #96 - Mar 14th, 2023 at 12:07pm

YaBB is indeed dead,  Cry Cry because even people who have problems are no longer helped and do not even get answers.

Also the ex -SMF guy does not exist anymore, everyone just NOT exists anymore considering the questions with no responses. For me, 18 years of forum work has broken down and I'm angry about that.

We set up a totally new SMF forum with our team, with the main old posts in sub boards. Convert 2.6.12? There is no converter for that. Help can be given but I have already seen amounts of over $600 come by.  SMF I started on the advice of the host and they said nothing about the SQL.database. We'll see, am already at that age, that if it fails again I won't undertake anything more in terms of forums and finish my book.

If in two years a new good YaBB would be set up with the guarantee of permanent support I would switch back to YaBB, if only for the ease of use in the Admin section. But from SMF to yet another forum like BBphp? NEVER!

Too bad that people who put their heart and soul into a forum are abandoned like that.

Pyragony54 I never had any training for working with a PC, IT or whatever, learned everything myself. I am done with that now, hence the path chosen. The co-founder of the forum emailed me,that had he known this would happen he would have chosen a forum at the time where certainty of support was permanent, if necessary by buying a forum....

I will continue to follow you and wish you good luck

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #95 - Mar 14th, 2023 at 10:18am
It looks like YaBB must have died. It is not possible for me to switch to an SMF forum. I also advise against trying to convert the data. It is possible, but not without errors and very complicated. I spent hours on it and then gave it up. The problem is also the SQL database. While it does SMF very quickly, it is also limited in size. If you ever have to set up a new forum and the database exceeds the permitted size, it can only be restored with Docker. If you can't do that, you've already lost. Well, no one knows what's next. I messaged JonB but no response. I would take over the entire YaBB forum. I have more than enough space on the server.

At the moment I'm in the process of making YaBB 2.6.12 bug-free. I've already posted some here on the board. What I can't manage, I hope that Dandello will help me.

Now I'm wondering, do we even need YaBB 2.7? Do we even need a SQL database? Flat file is significantly more secure.

From me comes a clear "NO".

I will soon adapt the help files (YaBB 2.6.12) for the German language. For YaBB 2.7 I finished them long ago, just haven't uploaded them anymore. Unfortunately a lot of work for nothing.

PS: If you run your own server, you should switch your name servers to Cloudflare. This way you can reach an enormous speed and you don't need a database.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #94 - Jun 28th, 2022 at 6:00am
Yes, exactly. On September 9, 2017 I wished him good luck and he replied to me. I don't know where he fled to after that. So it must have been Irma. This was my last contact.

I will also try to reach JoB. If he doesn't feel like it anymore, I'll take over the Yabbforum on my server and free of charge. I have enough space.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #93 - Jun 27th, 2022 at 6:28pm
Pieszyce, I'm assuming that you have already attempted to contact Jon via email, No response?

No response!
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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #92 - Jun 27th, 2022 at 5:10pm
pyragony54 wrote on Jun 27th, 2022 at 2:54pm:
No, the hurricane was in September 2017. That's when I had my last contact with him.

Not that I really meant for this to be so drawn out, but it seems the last we heard from Jon was around 5 years ago. And as he was preparing to evacuate from the hurricane, I will guess that it is possible he lives in Florida, but not necessarily Miami. Hurricane Irma made two landfalls in Florida on September 10, one in the Keys and another one on the west coast of Florida near Marco Island. Irma then ran up the west coast of Florida and into Georgia where it weakened into a tropical storm.

Pieszyce, I'm assuming that you have already attempted to contact Jon via email, No response?

Quick Edit: Jon lives in Sarasota, Florida. The last entry in his FaceBook page was in 2018.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #90 - Jun 27th, 2022 at 2:54pm
No, the hurricane was in September 2017. That's when I had my last contact with him.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #89 - Jun 27th, 2022 at 2:46pm
JonB's last post was on Mar 5th, 2015 at 10:06am. I can not see his last login date. In 2022, I do not believe the USA has had a hurricane yet. There was Hurricane Agatha, Agatha made landfall near Puerto Angel, Mexico this past May. So if JonB was evacuating for a hurricane this year, he is in Mexico.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #88 - Jun 27th, 2022 at 10:15am
Red Barchetta wrote on Jun 26th, 2022 at 6:37pm:
If he does, someone PM me more info about him and I will see if I can find him.

Unfortunately I don't have any more data. All I know is how a hurricane hit Florida a few years ago and someone had to get to safety. I think it was JohnB but I'm not 100% sure.

I found

JonB has actually checked in - he's doing backups of YaBB and BoardMod for safekeeping before evacuating his office due to the hurricane. (He also sends his thanks for all your hardwork with YaBB. He's had some issues the past year or so that has kept him from being active with YaBB.)

Send good thoughts his way for getting through this storm.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #87 - Jun 27th, 2022 at 6:17am
Yesterday I completed the installation of YaBB 2.7 and last night uploaded all the data from my forum (almost 500,000 posts and almost 50,000 topics) to the conversion. Everything went smoothly, no errors. I noticed that there is still a lot to be done with the translation, apparently something was added. No problem.
However, what does not work is sending mails with the YaBB engine and Perl modules. Otherwise I can't find any errors at the moment.

@ Dandello

if you need access to test mail delivery, I will give you the data for the mailbox.

You know your access data for the forum.

In my opinion, YaBB 2.7 turned out very well.

As always, the test forum is located below

Now I will slowly incorporate the mods, but this should be done before the conversion. Other languages should be incorporated before the setup. Otherwise you have to incorporate them manually.
« Last Edit: Jun 27th, 2022 at 10:12am by pyragony54 »  

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #86 - Jun 26th, 2022 at 6:37pm
pyragony54 wrote on Jun 26th, 2022 at 9:14am:
Doesn't JohnB also live in Miami? Or am I wrong there?

If he does, someone PM me more info about him and I will see if I can find him.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #85 - Jun 26th, 2022 at 9:14am
@ Red Barchetta

I know all this, it's nothing new to me. I also put a lot of time into YaBB. I also understand that Dandello doesn't have the time or inclination anymore. Only when I start something do I finish it. Dandelo writes she will finish YaBB 2.7, okay. Then I will also finish the translations. No problem. Of course, the mods must then also be adjusted. I sat there for weeks doing the translation for YaBB 2.7 and in Germany they have two translations, formal and informal. Both are important. I also offered to host the YaBB sites on my server and that was free of charge. No answer is also an answer. I look after a few YaBB forums here in Germany and I do it for free because I just enjoy it. I don't care about the money.

But I'll start with an example of how not to do it. XTC develops the mod "Who is where" After YaBB has been further developed, this mod also has to be adapted. This was also done by JetLi and what did he do, he sold the mod to anyone who wanted it for 20 euros. I called XTC and told him about it. The end of the story: XTC rewrote the mod and JetLi was at a loss. At the same time, completely different machinations came to light. But that is not important now. Maybe XTC will write something about it at some point.

The fact is, Dandello announced here in this post that she will finish 2.7, I hope the mods too. For me, that's reason enough to keep going. I have now set up YaBB 2.7 on my test domain and will now try to transfer my large forum. I will write about mistakes.

PS: Doesn't JohnB also live in Miami? Or am I wrong there?

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #84 - Jun 25th, 2022 at 3:51pm
pyragony54 wrote on Jun 25th, 2022 at 12:26pm:
Okay, promise me that 2.7 will be ready soon and bug free and I'll keep going.

You want 2.7 to be ready soon, but other than Dandello, who is working on it to make this happen? Dandello has even told us that she has a full time job, and its not YaBB. As for Bug Free, YaBB has never been bug free. Expensive mission critical programs are not bug free. But those people have paid programmers who's job it is to program, or they do not get paid. YaBB does not have that, it has all been donated time, donated skill. And those donations have ended. Someone has to pay for the Yabb hosting, the domain names, etc. Yet we are not charged to cover the cost. Even if it is self hosted, there is still cost to keep the equipment going, the added resources, and yes, the time that has to be given.

YaBB was a free community supported project. But that community has all but gone. If I had 10-20 volunteer workers to build free homes for the homeless, and all but 2 quit and never show up again, yet the homeless insisted that I continue to keep building them perfect free homes, how do I do it? That is YaBB right now.

Maybe I am missing something, but I do not know what "truth" you are looking for. Dandello has said she has tried to contact Jon about, but there has been no response. I am guessing she did not set up the domain, the host for, and does not have the passwords to give it support. Or maybe the bill has come due for the hosting?

I am sure I could be wrong with any of this, but without the support like we used to have, it is going to be extremely hard for YaBB to develop beyond where it is now.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #83 - Jun 25th, 2022 at 12:26pm
Dandello wrote on Jun 18th, 2022 at 3:36pm:
2.7 will be the last unless someone steps up to help with coding and updating to new Perl versions.

If YaBB 2.7 is the last version, so be it. But what do you mean by PERL update? Doing this on a dedicated server is no problem for me. With virtual servers, however, there will be difficulties from the providers. You know I'd love to help you code, but I can't and I don't know anyone who can. Okay, promise me that 2.7 will be ready soon and bug free and I'll keep going. I have no other choice, switching to SMF is out of the question for me. If you need help with sending email, you can always use my server. I've just installed the latest build on and am currently transferring my big forum. I'll probably know by tonight German time. Later more.

I feel like they want YaBB to die. Why else are the YaBB pages no longer working?
Why doesn't anyone tell us the truth.

This is exactly what JetLi wanted. Now he did it.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #82 - Jun 20th, 2022 at 3:30pm

2.7 will be the last unless someone steps up to help with coding and updating to new Perl versions.

Hi Dandello,

When someone installs 2.7, is there any help when bugs appear or does support stop as well?

Now my forum is still fairly stable, but how long will that take and if there is no help how can we proceed? Stop everything?

Sorry if I'm a nuisance, but 18 years of work is in danger of breaking.  Cry
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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #81 - Jun 18th, 2022 at 4:09pm

I know the breed, in the Netherlands they call them Sheltie's and a friend of ours had two, with which he trained for show's. I myself had two swiss white shepherds.

I’m sorry. But cannot understand JonB  that, when you start something, then that creates obligations, but JonB has also let me down in the past.

And the repair of Bugs in 2.6?

I wish I were able to help you, but I don't know anything about Perl or how to code.... I unfortunately never learned that, something I regret.  Cry

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #80 - Jun 18th, 2022 at 3:36pm
Puppy is doing fine but is a handful (Shetland Sheepdogs are NOT low energy dogs and Georgette has discovered that the yard includes the neighbors cats who don't really want to play dog games with her.)

Jon B has not gotten back.

2.7 will be the last unless someone steps up to help with coding and updating to new Perl versions.


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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #79 - Jun 18th, 2022 at 1:51pm

And then . . . . . . . . then there was a puppy and I hope everything goes perfectly with him. Wink

But... . . .

How are things going with version 2.7?
How does it go on with 2.6.12 and the Bugs that are in it?
Is 2.7 the last version and the end of a YaBB empire?

Has JonB ever responded?

So there are many questions, with no more answers.

Too bad, very unfortunate. Cry

By the way, this is not a start of a discussion I am participating in, but a question.

I need to know if I can continue or better stop.  Huh
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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #78 - Jun 5th, 2022 at 9:04pm
All I ask is no flaming one another and we put comments, recommendations, regarding other software into: Converting to other software

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #77 - Jun 5th, 2022 at 8:51pm
That's an excellent point.

It was more a question than a comment, phpBB I know inside as a moderator on a forum about Iran, set up as a contact point for refugees during the uprising there. But it didn't attract me found YaBB more pleasant to work with. Never looked into SMF, but if my mate is telling the truth, I will get around to it in a few weeks when he is back. I don't have time for an install myself. Should be ready to test and view.  Smiley

The question arose because several others on the web have indicated that they have forum systems side by side, but never really decide which is the best to use. That was my concern because surely there are reviews out there where you can read some.

I saw it, I hope he can tell us a bit more, without violating the forum of Dandello, because that would not be fair.  Wink
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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #76 - Jun 5th, 2022 at 7:15pm
Pieszyce wrote on Jun 5th, 2022 at 11:26am:
But why do extra work, to install phpBB in addition to SMF?

That's an excellent point. I only mentioned phpBB so that you could compare the two. SMF seems like the best for you, so you might as well stick to that.

Speaking of which, there's a new member here who could be very helpful.

Oldiesmann wrote on Jun 5th, 2022 at 6:43pm:
Just registered here and thought I'd introduce myself. I'm an SMF person ...

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #75 - Jun 5th, 2022 at 11:26am

I never experienced the transition from YaBB to YaBB/SMF that much because I only came to the community forum when there were serious problems. Sometimes it took a few days, but usually I was helped within 2 days. Maybe that's the reason we didn't look further, because if the the support forum wasn't friendly to me I would have already made a switch at the time. But Spike helped me a lot and Jet Lee and with them I never had any problems.

It was the choice of my ex colleague admin, to take YaBB and NOW there is no talking to him about it without getting annoyed, even when I ask him why he quit after only a year.

But if I had known all this in early 2005, I would have already made a switch, after all, back then the forum was small, and the risk of crashing idem ditto.

Maybe there should still be a YaBB26 converter.

But I don't know what kind of forums you have, that of @ pyragony54 I know, but my forum is a forum, with a lot of translated news about for example the war in Ukraine, about the worthless politics in Poland and their neighboring countries. For that reason, I think it would work for me if I started SMF and made the Current Yabbforum static as an archive.
Old news is only important if you need it as study material, that's what it's used for a lot so additions to it are not needed.

"If it ain't Broke, Don't Fix It" . . . . . .  Know it, we use that here too.  Smiley

But why do extra work, to install phpBB in addition to SMF? I'm often already working 13 hours a day now and continuing on a new SMF, that will add a month of extra work, but after that there is peace again. Remember, I do everything for free there is no one who pays for my work, because at the time I made the choice to do something on the Internet, so that the gray matter in the upper chamber does not fall silent after retirement. But I MUST continue to think, because when I close my eyes, others must be able to continue.

Most users of my forum would rather be lazy than tired.  Shocked
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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #74 - Jun 5th, 2022 at 12:30am
Pieszyce wrote on Jun 4th, 2022 at 2:48pm:
That it is shrinking can also be due to a lack of Promotion ...

Given that there's really nothing to promote, the so-called shrinking of YaBB's user base was inevitable. Speaking of promotion, it also didn't help that those in control of YaBB's support forum hardly promoted a friendly environment. People were routinely banned from participating in the forum, and respect for developers was lacking.

It was only a matter of time before developers pursued a different path, which is what happened when YaBB was forked off to create SMF. Jeff Lewis and Joseph Fung "did a complete rewrite of the code and changed the brand name to Simple Machines Forum (SMF). On September 30, 2003, the first "YaBB SE/SMF" product, SMF 1.0 Beta 1a, was released."

"The development and support team for YaBB SE was shut down in March 2004 with hundreds of communities in operation, when the developers joined the SMF project. A converter was developed to convert YaBB SE to SMF."

On that note, when it comes to converters, what you saw is evidently correct.

Take this with a grain of salt, but for those who are still using YaBB after all of these years, my recommendation is to stick with it. After all, "If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It".,If%2...

Nonetheless, if one's schedule permits it, I still recommend that YaBB admins install phpBB as well as SMF. In other words, more or less mirror the topics you have in your YaBB forum, and then add/create some users with various permissions so that you can get acclimated to both.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #73 - Jun 4th, 2022 at 2:48pm

@ Myers

That it is shrinking can also be due to a lack of Promotion. Now when I send my ex colleague admin a mail and it contains the word YaBB he flies through the roof. Well he also stopped a year after the creation of the forum, just like Zef Hemel so comment, no comment.

That the support forum just disappeared, I consider a knife in the back of those who are still active with the forum. Doesn't matter if old age or illness has anything to do with it. If a developer no longer wants, is only a post with . . . .

Dear people,

The YaBB support forum etc, etc, . . . . . . . . .

Just shutting down is not neat and a signal of we are malingering with those who still use YaBB.

  Grin Grin Grin Grin I still use an old Samsung SHG mobile and also have 2 Nokias from years ago, everything works and I can do anything with it. I can make phone calls with it and that is the most important thing. I call on average for about 15 euros per year mobile. So a smartphone with a subscription is a waste of money for me. I once did an investigation on my forum, why responding is becoming less and less. Cause number 1 was, The Smartphone with small keys, is not ideal to work with. Really, even if one would like to give me one for free, I say, No, thank you. I don't want to call or be called when I'm on the road, it's also a nice moment of rest looking at all the wonderful things you can see along the way.

I very rarely get a request from Google to adjust something because it would not work properly on mobile.

Had to do with, I believe Cloudflare, at least 3 times a week everything was down and according to the line you are then shown it was cloudflare's fault.

Do the converters work here? or don't you know them.
YaBB only goes up to YaBB 22 or am I seeing this wrong???
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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #72 - Jun 4th, 2022 at 1:50am
Pieszyce wrote on Jun 2nd, 2022 at 6:37pm:
YaBB I have from the end of 2003 and from January 2004 operative.

The bottom line about YaBB is that it's no longer the #1 forum software no matter how much we may like it, and no matter how much we inexplicably claim that it's the best. Furthermore, our YaBB community has dwindled down to a very small handful of people, and the official YaBB support forum no longer exists.

Like you, I have a YaBB forum that's still operative, which went live on May 20, 2002. However, the hard truth is that YaBB hasn't had active development for many years now, which has effectively made it a relic. Keep in mind that PERL updates are inevitable, which means that YaBB's software needs to be updated along the way as well.

I'm reminded of my original iPad, which Apple hasn't updated its software in years, which means I can't do banking on it, etc. My solution has been to buy new iPads and iPhones along the way as needed to keep up with software updates, and compatibility.

Being mobile friendly is important, although YaBB actually operates just fine in a mobile environment. It's just not built for it, which in due time will likely present problems.

In regard to your aversion to cloud hosting with SSD drives, etc., that's the wave of the future. The downtime you experienced was surely because of bad management by your host; not cloud computing.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #71 - Jun 2nd, 2022 at 6:37pm
@ Bill Myers

I know phpBB software from the time I was a moderator for someone who had a forum on Iran. I did this in addition to my work on YaBB which was my own. Many times I told the owner of that forum, "Switch to YaBB, you'll have fewer problems." After a small year, his forum was gone, attacked again and he would not recover.

YaBB I have from the end of 2003 and from January 2004 operative.

I do not have a test forum, I work on a shared server at a host, also would not have the time to delve further into the matter because otherwise my other work remains. Well I have a team, but the only one who can translate and therefore I have never the time to study something. On the one hand it is a pity, on the other hand I am too old to have it stored in that grey mass above . With software you have to start young.

I have very few complaints about mobile friendly. Uncle Google checks, is there a mistake than I tackle it, same goes for my websits in WP. AND . . . . indeed YaBB for me is better than any other where I have been allowed to browse.

I think it is a terrible shame that the development has stagnated. I even told my team. "I don't know what I'm going to do yet, maybe I'll give you everything and leave myself." I told them, YaBB is the baby and I'll provide the bath water.

Someone is doing a setup on his dedicated server, when that's done we'll go together and see what's different and if I really want it. Then I'll make the final decision.

Also I have been on a cloud, I thought in 2017, but was back within two months, too often downtime. Now with that host, where I've been for another 3 years, I've had 1 outage of 2 minutes. Beautiful can't do I say.

That was also my idea, make an archive of the old forum and continue with a new setup. THAT is not a problem with a country forum either because the first post in sticky can contain a link to the archive and that's it.

If I was really wealthy, I would appoint a few developers, and with Dandello as their Boss, YaBB would be developed further. I too think, that in principle there is nothing better and simpler than YaBB. Smiley
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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #70 - Jun 2nd, 2022 at 5:04pm
Pieszyce wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 9:29pm:
I didn't have much to do today, so I took a look in SMF. "Main" is something I don't like at all, I find YaBB's way of doing settings much nicer and friendlier.

I also didn't see that you can set registration so that the Admin has to click Approve before someone is registered, which in YaBB is easy to do and sometimes very necessary.

Are there more people with this kind of experience?

Setting aside the fact that SMF is actually a fork of YaBB, albeit it's far advanced at this stage, you may want to take a look at the phpBB forum software.

I have test forums of both SMF and phpBB. I more or less mirrored my still existing YaBB forum, and my preference is phpBB. Keep in mind that those of us who've used YaBB for all of these many years will inherently like it better than any other forum if for no other reason than we're simply experienced with it.

Even now I still prefer the look of YaBB, in large part because I can very easily incorporate it into an HTML interface, which is very convenient. On the other hand, both SMF and phpBB are mobile friendly, and most traffic to all of our sites come from mobile devices.

The thing is, just because *I* think YaBB may be the best doesn't mean it is, and in fact, it isn't for a variety of reasons. Primarily, it's because development has more or less stagnated, and the "official" support forum has evidently been permanently shuttered.

I should point out that of all the people who participate here in Dandello's forum, I'm the least capable in terms of understanding how PERL works. So for me, the prudent thing to do is to have a contingency plan if, or when my YaBB forum becomes inoperable.

By the way, admins in phpBB can easily set the registration so that approvals have to be determined by admins before someone is registered. They can also set permissions for newly registered members that are more restrictive than regular members, etc., etc., etc. If I can figure this stuff out with phpBB, then the rest of you can surely figure it all out far better than me. But until you give it a serious try beyond the Demo that's provided, i.e., test it out yourself on your own site, and get acclimated to it, making a fair assessment isn't possible.

On an unrelated note, I recently switched a handful of my sites to a cloud server, which seems to be a prudent thing to do. So far, so good. However, because I like YaBB so much, I'm still using it on a dedicated server that I've had for over 20 years (different generations of it).

On a related note when it comes to changing "thousands of links" in a forum, I suppose the thing to do is to lock down one's YaBB forum as an archive of sorts, and start fresh with a new forum software of one's choice. That's what I'll likely end up doing if or when I officially switch to a phpBB forum.

One day at a time. Wink

As for puppies, they're the greatest, and we don't need to know PERL to keep them happy. Grin


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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #69 - Jun 2nd, 2022 at 4:11pm
You're going to have to do some hunting but find
Select All

And make it
Select All

More modern security protocols don't allow a raw '&' in links. Your browser makes it look like a raw & but it isn't.pyragony54 wrote on Jun 2nd, 2022 at 2:34pm:
Animals have hobbies too.

My puppy's hobbies currently include chewing on trouser hems and going poo.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #68 - Jun 2nd, 2022 at 4:00pm

@  pyragony54

I don't like SMF. The graphics leave a lot to be desired. I haven't looked at it further. My
concerns are primarily directed at the database. SQL databases that exceed 64MB are very difficult to
restore if the server is to be moved.

I understand you, template ism ok I don't care what color, because that's taste. But I really don't
like what comes next. Maybe because I normally work with DirectAdmin  at the server and
don't want a CPanel either.

Now it's going to be even harder to decide what to do. The developers should come back, that would
be the best solution so that Dandello doesn't have to do everything alone.

Now I already work 12 hours a day, that will be 14 hours if I want to get to know SMF.   Cry Cry

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #67 - Jun 2nd, 2022 at 2:34pm
@ Pieszyce

I don't like SMF. The graphics leave a lot to be desired. I haven't looked at it further. My concerns are primarily directed at the database. SQL databases that exceed 64MB are very difficult to restore if the server is to be moved.

Dandello wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 11:49pm:
I have an excuse - we got a new puppy.

Animals have hobbies too.

@ Dandello

There is still a problem with the activation mail

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Solution urgently needed.


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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #66 - Jun 2nd, 2022 at 1:04am

You are forgiven  Angry  Grin Grin

I'd like to too, but in a flat it's nothing.
Therefore we have a parakeet.  Cheesy
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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #65 - Jun 1st, 2022 at 11:49pm
I have an excuse - we got a new puppy.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #64 - Jun 1st, 2022 at 9:29pm

And then it was quiet.   Cry

I didn't have much to do today, so I took a look in SMF. "Main" is something I don't like at all, I find YaBB's way of doing settings much nicer and friendlier.

I also didn't see that you can set registration so that the Admin has to click Approve before someone is registered, which in YaBB is easy to do and sometimes very necessary.

Are there more people with this kind of experience?
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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #63 - May 27th, 2022 at 10:10am

@ pyragony54

Ok thanks, i know enough, i don't have coppermine. One less problem for me.  Wink
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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #62 - May 27th, 2022 at 7:09am
@ Pieszyce

It's about linking from the Coppermine to the forum and vice versa. There is no conversion tool.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #61 - May 26th, 2022 at 7:30pm

@ pyragony54

I don't want to switch to SMF, I've already mentioned a few reasons. In addition, I would have to change thousands of links in my forum. Not funny.

Which links do you mean, the ones for the photos or also the ones for the YaBB software?

Although no decision has been made at us what to do, it seems to me that during converting links should also be able to be adjusted, otherwise is first maybe a better converting prog. needed.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #60 - May 26th, 2022 at 12:59pm
By some miracle (Saint Vidicon pray for YaBB) I was able to get the 2.7 edits pushed to the SVN. Going to look at 2.612 later today or tomorrow.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #59 - May 26th, 2022 at 12:16am

Thanks Dandello,

As Always, you are great.  Wink
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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #58 - May 25th, 2022 at 11:00pm
And after that last Perl/server upgrade here, YaBB 2.7 won't install due to a 'deep recursion' error.

The good news is once I took out the added anti-hacker code that was causing the problem, it installed without any problems. My bet is that this was the problem causing the endless loop that was reported. Hopefully I'll be able to push these changes to the SVN tomorrow.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #57 - May 25th, 2022 at 3:12pm
@ Pieszyce

somehow you misunderstood. Jet Li has not asked anyone for money. He was only asking for money for a mod that he didn't own, that he had no rights to commercialize. The rights lay here with XTC. It wasn't until I asked him about it that he got snotty towards me. I didn't put up with that either. Then came the day when Jet Li ingloriously threw in the towel and we had written off YaBB. Jet Li wanted to kill YaBB. That was his full intention. All YaBB pages were deleted, YaBB was no longer accessible. Only those who have evil in their thoughts do such things. But you all know that yourself.

But then Dandello came and new hope sprouted.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #56 - May 25th, 2022 at 1:20pm
@ pyragony54

No one is calling you a liar here

If you don't mind I will continue with YaBB, my person is less important.  Smiley

I too once had Yabb directly in the root, but it caused problems, I asked Dandella for help and she then created a folder "forum" and installed everything in there and fixed it. Attacks kept coming, mostly from Ru or CN, but I know how to deal with that.

Getting angry is bad for your heart, I try to avoid that as much as possible. Yes right away, indeed it was Jet Li, who helped me a few times with the language problems in languages, that was around 2005 -2006 I think. He never asked me for money, other developers did, but that's a past thing, so no point in writing about it.

How he left I don't know at all. Nor how the whole thing fell apart and everyone disappeared. Given my contacts with Spikecity, I came little on the community and after his passing, I had a forum member, who knew his way around YaBB, had his own server and tested everything there first.
This man, however, left me due to busyness (now traveling throughout Europe) and so I had to look for myself again. The discovery hit me like a bomb and my first reaction was, I quit.
Learning by yourself is possible, but you must have good concentration and memory. Then it is difficult to learn.

Maybe it is indeed best to make YaBB 2.6.12. bug free and continue with it.

For me the choice is not difficult, my forum is a country forum with Poland as main country and further on the Baltic States and the rest of Eastern and Central Europe.
The proposal of the team was . . . . when YaBB gets too many bugs and working with it becomes difficult, to start a totally new forum in SMF and strip the YaBB forum of less important things and leave the rest stable as Archive for reference. History is timeless, I can repost that on the new forum, leave things that are subject to change and put the rest of the news,(sometimes 14 articles a day from sometimes 6 languages) on a new forum. They think this would be best, because they are the ones who will have to take over later.

But if YaBB 2.6.12 becomes bug free, I will just continue there and let them create another setup themselves.

So, and now back to work. I'5 hours too late  Wink
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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #55 - May 25th, 2022 at 12:42pm

@ Dandello

2: De mensen die de Guardian-code naar Perl voor YaBB hebben geporteerd, hebben fenomenaal werk geleverd - het werkt nog steeds. Ik moet regelmatig het bestand opschonen waarin de slechte dingen die Guardian heeft gevangen, worden opgeslagen. En het vangt veel slechte dingen op.

Yes indeed. What I do is, when someone's IP is reported as a problem, I look for the Owner CIDR: in and post it in its entirety and in numerical order, manually in the Guardian.
It works perfectly
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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #54 - May 25th, 2022 at 11:01am
Dandello wrote on May 25th, 2022 at 12:44am:
I'm going to try to make this clear - as far as I could see, no one was lying. A difference in experience and opinion is not a lie.


In regard to security issues, and problems with things in YaBB that no longer work, thank you for the information you provided. In part, it illustrates why Yabb can really only expand its user footprint if, or when development of its software is updated on a regular basis.

I'm reminded of the first iPad that I purchased, which was the first model ever made. It still works (I continue to play chess on it), but like other older models that I purchased over the years, software updates were shuttered years ago to make it obsolete.

It's the same story with laptops that I've purchased over the years, and desktops as well. Or record players, cassette tape recorders, VCRs, TVs, etc.

Things change.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #53 - May 25th, 2022 at 8:32am
Dandello wrote on May 24th, 2022 at 2:58pm:
Later today I will check what's in the SVN to confirm that it's good.

I loaded the latest version of 2.7 from SVN. Setup, password entry "admin" next page. Let it fill in automatically and Submit. The server went into an infinite loop. The utilization went to 100% and was therefore in the red area. Coppermine gallery and forum were no longer accessible. It was only possible to abort by resetting the server.

The was written, I don't know if it's correct. The was not created. I hope this helps you further. In any case, the server could only be reached again after a restart, since that killed the loop.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #52 - May 25th, 2022 at 7:25am
Pieszyce wrote on May 24th, 2022 at 10:28pm:
when my comments come across as unpleasant, you can delete my posts.

Every message is legitimate. There is no reason to delete these. It would be bad if I was no longer allowed to express my opinion publicly, regardless of whether it was justified or not. You can then talk about it without looking down on anyone.

Pieszyce wrote on May 24th, 2022 at 7:05pm:
So, with the main system administrator of one of the largest banks in the Netherlands as a good friend, that will be fine.

And I have learned that even the best administrator sits only 40 cm in front of the screen.
« Last Edit: May 25th, 2022 at 8:50am by pyragony54 »  

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #51 - May 25th, 2022 at 7:18am
I've probably started a discussion here that I didn't want to do at all.

@ Pieszyce

Nobody calls you a liar here. If you report a bug that I don't see, I can't help either. What I need for this I have already written and I will not repeat myself.
Then I only use words like the famous 40 cm in front of the screen. The wink with the fence post, as they say in Germany. I can't fix an error that I can't understand either. This has nothing to do with lying. In the forums that I am still in charge of here in Germany, and there are quite a few, I have already experienced the greatest installations and people were surprised that errors occurred that shouldn't really exist. The best thing I've experienced here, a YaBB installation directly into the root. I asked for FTP access, got access, to no avail, no connection. I phoned the server operator and that's when the error came out.
He gave me the data for the SFTP. He didn't even have FTP access. Was that why he lied to me? No! He didn't know any better. Again the famous 40 cm.

So and now I'm going to be a little angry. You certainly mean Jet Li aka Jeffrey Man. The way he said goodbye to YaBB is unworthy and lacking in character. He simply deleted important pages from YaBB (such as and also the Yabbforum). At least one backup was available for the forum. is in Nirvana forever. He wanted YaBB to die in a more than inglorious way. Many people had set up forums on his shared server, which suddenly went nirvana. Only a pig can make such an exit. If I had any questions when I was starting out, Jet Li always looked at me from above. He did the same with others. So I'm not the only one. This is what made me decide to learn by myself and I always got involved with the subject as far as my horizon allowed. Learned to deal with servers by always questioning myself. At that time I was already 58 years young, so 10 years ago. The word give up doesn't exist in my vocabulary. When I started something, I finished it, even if it pushed the limits of my substance.

But back to Jet Li. yes, I openly call him by name. The intention was probably to make money. Let's go from the mod "Who is where". A mod developed by XTC. This mod was suddenly only available for a payment (I remember 20 €). I informed XTC (we both speak German) about this. XTC informed me that the relationship with Jet Li had long since fallen asleep. Again and again he incorporated mods from XTC, although he was not authorized to do so. When I reported to XTC about this dubious machinations regarding the mod, they immediately started rewriting "Who is where" that it was available again for YaBB 2.6 and for free. There were also one or two other developers involved who are no longer there. We also don't know if Jet Li has incorporated any spyware. The assumption is obvious, we cannot prove it (in case of doubt for the accused). Conclusion: Humanly speaking, Jet Li was just a human ......... in my eyes. Now he can sue me. By the time he wins this lawsuit of defamation, I'll be "six feed under".

Hence my call to Dandello again. Let's make YaBB 2.6.12 bug free and it's good. Then 2.7 no longer appears.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #50 - May 25th, 2022 at 12:44am
I'm going to try to make this clear - as far as I could see, no one was lying. A difference in experience and opinion is not a lie.

Why do people believe YaBB is hacker resistant?

1: It's a program with a very small number of users which makes it unrewarding for hackers to spend a lot of effort on hacking into it.

2: The people who ported the Guardian code into Perl for YaBB did a phenomenal job - it still works. I periodically have to clean out the file where the bad stuff Guardian caught gets stored. And it catches a lot of bad stuff.

and 3: at a time when PHP was notorious for security issues, YaBB wasn't written in PHP.

Among the reasons that some things in YaBB that used to work and don't now? Perl, server software AND the server operating system software has gotten more and more security conscious AND the people who used to update the Perl Modules that older versions of YaBB used are no longer updating those add-on Modules. (Which is why some of the older YaBB email selections (like TLS) no longer work.)

Sendmail has gotten more security conscious and complex over time. PHP has kept up with their integration with SendMail - Perl hasn't. In point of fact, I have a client who has a custom storefront where the backend is Perl. We have to use PHP's email code to properly send data to and from PayPal - The Perl version of the code that was needed didn't work. (Because Paypal hadn't updated that code in YEARS.)


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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #49 - May 24th, 2022 at 11:23pm
Pieszyce wrote on May 24th, 2022 at 10:28pm:
Apologies for the inconvenience, but I'll stop the discussion with you here, because people who call me a liar in disguise are quickly finished with me.

To be clear, I didn't call you a liar any more than you called me a liar, so there's no need to take offense. Anecdotal evidence aside, you simply had the facts wrong about which forum software was, and is superior.

And again, this could be a matter of language barriers.

In any case, like you, I have thousands of links that will go bad if YaBB fails on me because those links go to topics in the forum. But that's the nature of forums that are no longer developed, and supported. That comes with the territory of operating websites, which requires one to adapt as needed.

YaBB lost its footing many years ago when moderators on the support forum made it difficult if not impossible to offer constructive criticism about its development. Ironically, some of your criticisms here on Dandello's forum about YaBB's development, or lack thereof, were many of the same criticisms that a core group of us YaBB supporters posted for discussion.

It's no wonder that so many people moved over to embrace SMF, which was a fork of YaBB, but with better software overall (as I referenced in Reply #34).

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #48 - May 24th, 2022 at 10:28pm

Mr. Myers

In the beginning, I still had contact with one of the developers, because as a rookie, I sometimes got stuck. I regret my computer crash of 2006, where all discussions between them and me from before were stored. In the Credits on my forum are names that had their own folder on that PC, with the conversations, by the way I miss one Lee in that list, don't remember if that was his first or last name, I thought the last name, but he helped me a number of times with the language problems I had back then.

Ron Hartendorp, @spikecity, lived less than two miles walking distance from me and after first contact through the community forum, later also directly and by phone until he left us. He taught me the most. I have also called my good friend who had the problem with phpBB at the time, and if he will see if there still the conversation between him and me on the topic on one of his external drives is. But he's in Sydney for 4 months now I have to wait.

You don't have to go far into it for me, because as long as my friend can't provide any texts, I for my part will stop discussing this topic with you. The comment, "Facts are important" says your opinion of my assertion and that is all I need.

Dandello is a wonderful woman, to whom I am very much indebted because of her help, if it were not for her, I would have stopped the total discussion earlier. However, I have a lot of respect for her.

Thanks for your SMF link, but I have 3 A4 full of links like that.

What I will do next I don't know yet, probably hand over the leadership to someone else and far just do my normal work. They may decide.

Apologies for the inconvenience, but I'll stop the discussion with you here, because people who call me a liar in disguise are quickly finished with me.

@ Dandello,

when my comments come across as unpleasant, you can delete my posts. I don't want to tarnish your forum.  Smiley
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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #47 - May 24th, 2022 at 8:03pm
Pieszyce wrote on May 24th, 2022 at 6:59pm:
A question I should answer, but can't because I don't know, but still get asked is: Why did they at the time when many YaBB developers left, just stop, c.q. switch to another system. They could have then helped people who were using Yabb to switch over and there would have been no misery now.  Wink Wink

Before I get to that, and with due respect, you brought the matter of security up, which is why I addressed it. And again, you're referencing anecdotal evidence; not factual evidence that actually addresses how good YaBB's security is versus the superior security of other well established chat forum software.

Facts matter.

To that point, it's a fact that YaBB hasn't had a reliable team of developers for many years. Quite frankly, without Dandello, YaBB's development, and support would have most surely ceased altogether.

To remind you, not long after there was an exodus of developers, YaBB was effectively forked over to SMF. Subsequently, SMF Converters were made available to help people switch over from YaBB to SMF.


Support for the YaBB and YaBB SE converters (all versions of YaBB).

Click/tap the quote above, or the following link:

To be blunt about it, and in retrospect, I evidently made the wrong decision to keep using YaBB. What I should have done was switch when I had the opportunity. Then again, I've had a nice long 20-plus years with YaBB, and as I keep my fingers crossed, I hope to have many more years ahead. Wink

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #46 - May 24th, 2022 at 7:05pm
pyragony54 wrote on May 24th, 2022 at 1:57pm:
Pieszyce wrote on May 24th, 2022 at 11:27am:
It was only a remark, because of the fact, that friends of my, did have problems with phpBB en I not, wiht the same IP's.

But I understand you.

I can't imagine that now. I had installed an SMF before. Same IP as YaBB. I had no problems. I always say to myself that most of the problems are usually 40 cm in front of the screen.

Thank you    Sad

So, with the main system administrator of one of the largest banks in the Netherlands as a good friend, that will be fine.  Kiss
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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #45 - May 24th, 2022 at 6:59pm
@ Mr. Myers

I am not talking about now, six months ago, but about a much longer period when that FACT was noted that there were attempts to attack MySQL which thus failed in Yabb, but succeeded in my great friends phpBB forum. IP in the attack was the same.

One of my actions was to block entire countries by IP and especially those famous for their pursuits. Similarly, I banned, people with this mail extension could only register through me. REASON, because out of 100 attackers 85% did so through a Gmail address. Etc, etc.

But Mr. Myers, that is not the discussion now, nor is it relevant, because you have indicated that I am wrong . . and to me that is Fine, my friend and I know the problems he had at the time.

Further, if anyone makes an attempt, no matter how small, the entire Owner CIDR goes into ban, if there is a member in there then they go into the White list.

Here I will leave it at that, as this part is not important for me to elaborate.

More important is, will there ever be a successor to YaBB 2.7. for example a 3. Because I do not wish to saddle my successors with problems. Even if I would install 2.7 now the question is HOW long, will it run well and is there support for problems.

A question I should answer, but can't because I don't know, but still get asked is: Why did they at the time when many YaBB developers left, just stop, c.q. switch to another system. They could have then helped people who were using Yabb to switch over and there would have been no misery now.  Cry Cry

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #44 - May 24th, 2022 at 3:06pm
Pieszyce wrote on May 24th, 2022 at 11:27am:
It was only a remark, because of the fact, that friends of my, did have problems with phpBB en I not, wiht the same IP's.

Just to be clear, you claim that your remark is based on a fact, but the "fact" that you presented isn't actually true. Just so you know, when opinions are simply based on what others say, or experience, that's known as anecdotal evidence, which can be problematic when it comes to presenting facts.

For instance, I may have thought that YaBB was the best forum software in the world because of my bias for it due to familiarity, and others may think that it's still the best, but that's not actually true. Perhaps it was the best a long time ago, but that's certainly not the case now.

No worries, though. I suspect that this is a matter of a language barrier, i.e., not truly understanding each other even though we think we do. Wink

In any case, the fact remains that other more established forum software is superior to YaBB when it comes to "hacker protection" as you put it, and in many other respects as well.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #43 - May 24th, 2022 at 2:58pm
Later today I will check what's in the SVN to confirm that it's good.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #42 - May 24th, 2022 at 1:57pm
Pieszyce wrote on May 24th, 2022 at 11:27am:
It was only a remark, because of the fact, that friends of my, did have problems with phpBB en I not, wiht the same IP's.

But I understand you.

I can't imagine that now. I had installed an SMF before. Same IP as YaBB. I had no problems. I always say to myself that most of the problems are usually 40 cm in front of the screen.

Pieszyce wrote on May 24th, 2022 at 12:03pm:
I don't understand, Dandello installed this forum and her other 2.7 forums and I'm sure if there were any set up problems she would report it immediately.

An older build also worked. Only the newest one in the SVN doesn't work. You and I don't know what build Dandello installed.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #41 - May 24th, 2022 at 12:03pm

I have a suggestion: Let's make 2.6.12 bug-free and good. There are only a few bugs that I discovered.

And after a repaired 2.6.12, there will be no new version of a YaBB forum at all? Isn't that too big a risk, isn't that putting forum woes a few years ahead?

If I am 2 meters under the ground, others continue with my forum, I work with a team, should they then experience the misery that a Yabb forum due to the impossibility of an upgrade totally blocks and therefore a switch to another is no longer possible??? It's all not so easy.

My problems are:
  • With some Posts, I can't use the Move, Split, and Splice Popup because after I
    set everything up the SUBMIT button is gone.
  • I sometimes run into the fact that I cannot move a board to another category.
    I then create a new board with an ID and copy everything to it and then it works.
    it works
  • My problems with videos as in post
    are still not solved, can "Insert media" only apply to You Tube videos, with the rest it does not work als Dandello knows.
Otherwise 2.6.12 works perfectly for me.

@ Pieszyce

Do not install 2.7. I downloaded the latest build. The setup doesn't work. The server hangs up. Three attempts, three times the same effect. The utilization a at 100%. Seems to be stuck in an endless loop. Only restarting the server caused the setup to abort.

I don't understand, Dandello installed this forum and her other 2.7 forums and I'm sure if there were any set up problems she would report it immediately.

But for now I will wait and see, installing the forum is not for me either because I read too fast and then skip instructions, so usually I ask for help.  :Smiley

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #40 - May 24th, 2022 at 11:27am
Bill Myers wrote on May 22nd, 2022 at 5:40pm:
Pieszyce wrote on May 22nd, 2022 at 5:36pm:
ink Yabb, also because of the hacker protection, is not inferior to anyone/anything else.

That's not really true any longer. Not even close. Pretty much every well supported, and developed chat forum software today is far superior than YaBB. We're just biased because we've been using it so long.

It was only a remark, because of the fact, that friends of my, did have problems with phpBB en I not, wiht the same IP's.

But I understand you.
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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #39 - May 24th, 2022 at 2:27am
@ Pieszyce

Do not install 2.7. I downloaded the latest build. The setup doesn't work. The server hangs up. Three attempts, three times the same effect. The utilization a at 100%. Seems to be stuck in an endless loop. Only restarting the server caused the setup to abort.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #38 - May 23rd, 2022 at 2:58pm
That's a lot of input today.

Dandello wrote on May 22nd, 2022 at 2:38pm:
So YaBB got dropped from my urgent list. There's nothing nefarious. It's just that I can't have two major projects going at the same time and I'm slower (and older) than I used to be.

@ Dandello

I understand your attitude and it's okay too. I too have gotten old. I myself have always lived according to the principle "If I start something, I'll finish it". Now that shouldn't be an accusation.

I have a suggestion: Let's make 2.6.12 bug-free and good. There are only a few bugs that I discovered. 2.7 is a significant improvement, but I can do without it. OK?
Some people here have put a lot of work into 2.7 (translations and such). All for nothing?
I would be happy to set up a forum for you on my server so that you can also test sending e-mails. Of course you can also get FTP data. Feel free to use my server.

I don't want to switch to SMF, I've already mentioned a few reasons. In addition, I would have to change thousands of links in my forum. Not funny.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #37 - May 22nd, 2022 at 5:40pm
Pieszyce wrote on May 22nd, 2022 at 5:36pm:
ink Yabb, also because of the hacker protection, is not inferior to anyone/anything else.

That's not really true any longer. Not even close. Pretty much every well supported, and developed chat forum software today is far superior than YaBB. We're just biased because we've been using it so long.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #36 - May 22nd, 2022 at 5:36pm

Things change, and it's not always easy to accept, but that's just part of life.

While growing up, my father taught me, "Things MAY change, but first look carefully to see if it is A. Really necessary and B. Whether it will improve things."

I started the forum in 2004, but by then there was this, something I never saw or read But what is the point of downloading and installing a forumsofware for which there is no support?

I think Yabb, also because of the hacker protection, is not inferior to anyone/anything else.
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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #35 - May 22nd, 2022 at 5:35pm
Pieszyce wrote on May 22nd, 2022 at 5:22pm:
Still, with Yabb, something needs to be done.

Not necessarily. After all, today's YaBB is really SMF. Then again, it would be great if a team of developers would work together to modernize YaBB so that the YaBB name could once again shine as it did when chat forums were being developed.

Whatever happens, all of us with a web presence may want to give thought to contingency plans, i.e., how will our respective online digital footprints be carried on, or perhaps memorialized after we're gone? Or not.

Maybe nothing happens, but that is up to each one of us. That's to say, how many of us have considered this aspect of our lives in our Wills, or in Trusts that we've created?

Food for thought. Wink

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #34 - May 22nd, 2022 at 5:22pm
pyragony54 wrote on May 22nd, 2022 at 5:45am:
Conclusion: Only if we all stick together can we keep YaBB alive. Mutual motivation is important. Quite frankly, if YaBB's upper management doesn't want to go any further, we can do without them, but only if we stick together.

As I'm sure you well know, there really isn't an "upper management" team, and there hasn't been for many years.

Thankfully, Dandello was gracious enough to take on a leadership role for the YaBB community, and a few people like you have been kind enough to put in your hard work, but the hard reality is that YaBB effectively evolved to the SMF chat forum software many years ago.

"Lewis and Fung split off from the YaBB SE team to try a different approach for addressing the YaBB SE efficiency problems, security concerns, and to add new features. Lewis and Fung did a complete rewrite of the code and changed the brand name to Simple Machines Forum (SMF). On September 30, 2003, the first "YaBB SE/SMF" product, SMF 1.0 Beta 1a, was released."

Things change, and it's not always easy to accept, but that's just part of life. Tongue

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #33 - May 22nd, 2022 at 5:22pm
Bill Myers wrote on May 22nd, 2022 at 5:09pm:
Dandello wrote on May 22nd, 2022 at 2:38pm:
I believe Corey Chapman still owns the domain and is the only one with access to making changes there (changing DNS, etc.)

I just sent a message to Corey to let him know what's going on, so hopefully he'll respond in a timely fashion; maybe even do so himself here in your forum.


Do you have the e-mail addresses of the developers too, then we can put them to work????   Smiley Smiley

Have found some things about Zef Hemel, lives too far away otherwise . . . . But what I read, his start was already bad, bit of Bill Gates figure, I start and let the rest work. So obviously not my type.

But where Dandello has problems, with developers, or rather the lack of it, on my forum I had this, with moderators and Global moderators. Always friction over who was the best.
Eventually chased everyone away, tuned forum tighter and done.

Still, with Yabb, something needs to be done.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #32 - May 22nd, 2022 at 5:09pm
Dandello wrote on May 22nd, 2022 at 2:38pm:
I believe Corey Chapman still owns the domain and is the only one with access to making changes there (changing DNS, etc.)

I just sent a message to Corey to let him know what's going on, so hopefully he'll respond in a timely fashion; maybe even do so himself here in your forum.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #31 - May 22nd, 2022 at 2:38pm
The 'hidden dark secret' - Jon Baker wasn't young or healthy 5 years ago - and he runs the server YaBBForum is on. He also has the administrative permissions for the SVN. I believe Corey Chapman still owns the domain and is the only one with access to making changes there (changing DNS, etc.)

For myself - two years ago I got hired as a programmer for a game my son and nephew have been working on for years - they hadn't been able to get and keep a competent C#/C++ programmer because those people all looked at a project proposal and whined that it was 'too hard'.

Note: I knew nothing about C# or C++ but I do know how programs work in general and my son's main comment was that one can learn C++ but one doesn't learn the sheer stubbornness that kept me working on a project for years with little feedback. That's innate. (I also think he gets a kick out of telling the previous programmers when they inquire about new work "I hired my mother.")

So YaBB got dropped from my urgent list. There's nothing nefarious. It's just that I can't have two major projects going at the same time and I'm slower (and older) than I used to be.


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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #30 - May 22nd, 2022 at 5:45am
Bill Myers wrote on May 19th, 2022 at 6:07pm:
Thank you pyragony54 for all of the work that you've done over the years to make Yabb better. I understand why you're angry, but to be fair to Dandello, she seems to be in a tough spot when it comes to further developing YaBB.

Even if she had a lot of time to work on YaBB's development, with due respect regarding your work, I don't think it's fair for any of us to expect her to essentially do everything on her own.

I don't see it any differently. But why not talk about it openly? The Yabbforum hasn't worked for a while. You can't tell me that management hasn't noticed, or rather, nobody cares anymore. This more or less gives me the impression that they want to let YaBB die. Why aren't they telling us the truth. I've offered all the help I can. I'm not a programmer, but I make my server available at any time, and my domain "" Dandello needs a large forum to test whether the conversion can be tested. I tested this over a year ago and the conversion was error-free. However, some bugs from 2.6.12 have also been carried over, caused by the <pre> tag.
Pieszyce reports an error here, which I don't see. In order to be able to understand this, I need admin rights and possibly FTP access. I maintain a few YaBB forums here in Germany. The error does not occur to anyone. So why is it? Outdated Perl modules? I can't say that.

Conclusion: Only if we all stick together can we keep YaBB alive. Mutual motivation is important. Quite frankly, if YaBB's upper management doesn't want to go any further, we can do without them, but only if we stick together.

And why not a pHp forum like SMF now. SMF even has a conversion tool. No wonder, it is also a child of YaBB. It starts with the SQL database. Hackers particularly target these. If I convert my forum, I have a database that exceeds the 64 mb limit by far. If I then have to move the database for some reason, this can only be done with a Docker. Actually no problem. However, if there is only a small error in the database, Docker aborts and you have the ass card in gold. Experienced live with my Coppermine picture gallery. It took me weeks to restore the database. That's why I prefer YaBB to SMF. Flat file is considerably slower, but more secure. Warning: This only reflects my personal experience, it doesn't have to be your experience.

So I ask myself: What secret or political issue is behind YaBB.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #29 - May 21st, 2022 at 8:16pm
The issue with 2.7 is there are still a few bugs - notably with importing Global Moderator settings & Global Moderators. Other than that and whatever bugs haven't been reported it's pretty stable (for me).  It can be downloaded here:

All MY other forums are running 2.7 but programmers are lousy at bug catching.  So I haven't been comfortable recommending it.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #28 - May 21st, 2022 at 7:12pm

See bellow  Cheesy

YaBB Development & Mods » Powered by YaBB 2.7.00! <<<<<<<< Smiley
YaBB Forum Software © 2000-2022. All Rights Reserved.

All is set correctly for so far I know.  Wink

Maybe Dandello knows what is wrong.
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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #27 - May 21st, 2022 at 5:51pm
@ Pieszyce

So I can not confirm the error. For me it all works flawlessly. Did you set the permissions correctly? (chmod)

Is YaBB 2.7 really running here? No idea. In any case, it is not released. When I last tested it, there were still a lot of bugs.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #26 - May 21st, 2022 at 5:40pm

@ pyragony54

For now I will wait for a reaction from Dandello or others. Because there are more who read this all.

1: there are a few topics that don't want to be together because you don't see a submit button anymore when everything is selected.

2:  I had to make some new boards because I couldn't move the old ones to another category. also there was the phenomenon. I move a board from category A to E, the board stays in A, delete is it in A, then it is gone in E too.

But what's wrong with 2.7 that you can't use it? Dandelo’s forum is also 2.7 and is working, or am I blind??   Roll Eyes  Wink

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #25 - May 21st, 2022 at 3:02pm
@ Pieszyce

that YaBB is buried will not be the case. It's just not being developed any further. Only a few small bugs of the current version (2.6.12) have to be fixed. I think Dandello will do that once they are introduced to her. Then I will also translate the help files into German. I'll leave Russian open for now, but it's doable. Of course, to find the bugs, everyone's help is needed. Many eyes see more. Unfortunately, I'm not a programmer myself either, and at the age of 68 I don't feel like doing that to myself anymore.

40 seconds for a timeout is not bad. Of course, YaBB will take longer to search if you search the whole board. The timeout is already pre-programmed.

I'm just considering renting out some storage space.
So 5 euros for 100 GB plus domain costs. Of course only to a limited extent. Daily backups run automatically.
But first comes the upgrade from Debian 9 to Debian 11 next week.
I hope YaBB doesn't complain.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #24 - May 21st, 2022 at 1:37pm
Red Barchetta wrote on May 20th, 2022 at 10:36pm:
Slightly off topic, but I've been running YaBB for a while. Here is our  YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1 forum back in 2004. I cant remember when we 1st set it up.

This is completely different from what is now.   Smiley
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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #23 - May 21st, 2022 at 1:35pm

@ pyragony54

I know how a virtual server works because I basically use that too. Only we call it a gedeelde [shared] server.

In all those years I had a problem once with a host, where on a shared server there was a rather dominant website that when very active, turned the speed of my Yabb forum into the speed of a snail. I asked for intervention by notifying that site or moving me to another server. The host refused. No problem, because within 10 hours everything was on another host.

After that I made a list of requirements for the host. If I wanted to move, I sent the list to a few hosting companies and had them make me an offer. That's how I found out that one of them refused to turn on CGI-bin. Fine, not further intrested

The only problem I have now is, if I want to search all boards at once it stops after 40 seconds, but board by board is no problem. The hosting package is also 8 times larger than I need, maybe that helps.

Indeed a large forum, and also many very large pictures. I have my own written rules and there it says - Photo-s and pictures may not exceed 640 x 480 and may not exceed 75 Kb without prior permission from Admin. When I used that and adjusted all the oversized ones, the forum also ran faster again.
But my dear, I have a different kind of forum and that alone makes a lot of difference. Right? No linking to commercial sites is allowed without verification either.

I am too old to learn how a dedicated server works and also don't want the hassle anymore, because I already translate 10 hours a day and collect 3 hours of news anyway.

So for me, YaBB works great and was a heavy shock after reading Dandello's comments, about 2.7 and beyond. I once wanted to become a programmer, but my father did not want to pay for the course because he thought there was no dry bread to be earned. Well that was so for many around 1960. If I could handle Perl and ect, etc I would certainly help Dandello. She deserves that for all she has done and is doing. But I am too old now to learn.

I really hope some developers are reading along and decide to become active again so that a great product can continue to run. I have requested my PC guru to do an install on his server of SMF and see what is needed. BUT, this only in case YaBB is really laid to rest, yet then what I have now will be modified as an archive and continue to run.

So in silence I hope for good news.   Cheesy  Wink
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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #22 - May 20th, 2022 at 10:36pm
Slightly off topic, but I've been running YaBB for a while. Here is our  YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1 forum back in 2004. I cant remember when we 1st set it up.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #21 - May 20th, 2022 at 7:38pm
@ Pieszyce

I'll try to explain the function of a virtual server to you in a simple way. First, your forum really isn't that big. Take a look at my forum and you'll know what real greatness is. You are also in good hands with OVA SAS. But more on that in a moment.
So how do virtual servers work: On a virtual server there are usually many websites immortalized by many customers. You get a limited storage space there, just as you order it. Until then no problem. Now virtual work according to a very specific scheme. HTML websites always have the highest priority. After that, let's just say pHp websites. Then just *.pl. The server always keeps this order and you cannot change it on a virtual server unless the server operator gives you the opportunity to do so. So in order to find and recognize it as the start file and start it, the server needs a little time. All other files are then started by If the on-board index is very large, it takes a while and that's the catch. If a timeout of just 30 seconds is set in Apache, the page does not go through in this time, the server simply terminates. He has to do that, otherwise other customers won't get their page loaded.
However, this again depends on how many customers access the server. For example, if 100 customers are on a server, a YaBB forum with a large board index has no chance of ever being loaded. OVA has very few customers on its virtual platform, but that comes at a price. With a forum your size and there shouldn't be any problems. So what the server has to load at the beginning is in the tolerable range. It doesn't matter how many members, topics, and posts you have, because they won't be called until they're needed. It depends on the size. The only important thing is that the page doesn't go through in 30 seconds, depending on what was set, the server breaks off. Then there's how fast the name servers are. These are also usually not selectable with a virtual one. I hope I explained this as simply as possible.

Here's my forum in comparison. Very heavily modded (30 mods) and still very fast. That's real greatness. No chance on a virtual server

Why? I run my own dedicated server. Although it costs me 30 euros a month, it belongs to me alone. I route the name servers via Cloudflare, which has its servers all over the world. There are three Coppermine galleries and a YaBB forum running on my servers. I can set pHp and pl files to be treated like html, bypassing the priority search.


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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #20 - May 20th, 2022 at 3:14pm
Pieszyce wrote on May 20th, 2022 at 7:46am:
When I look at another forum and it's in phpBB I immediately have a strange feeling, I've been so deep in YaBB since January 2004.

I had that same strange feeling as well with phpBB, and I've been using YABB since February 2002. Nonetheless, I had phpBB installed on another domain to test it, and I duplicated all of my YaBB topics to mirror that forum.

I previously did the same with an SMF forum, which I continue to test.

Somewhat to my surprise, both SMF and phpBB ended up looking close enough to my YaBB forum that I became very comfortable with both. Also, both of those software packages continue to provide newer versions, which include mods.

Even though my intention is to continue using my YaBB forum for as long as it's practical, if or when I need to switch, I'll have the benefit of experience with both SMF, and phpBB. Given my experience so far with both, I'll likely switch to phpBB.

So ... with due respect to YaBB, I recommend that YaBB users effectively mirror their current YaBB forums with both SMF, and phpBB to get a feel for both software packages.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #19 - May 20th, 2022 at 7:46am


I've been working with a new host on a shared server for about 1.5 years now.

The host is willing to do everything to keep the Yabb forum running smoothly and so far with success. Wink

Starting something else again is not the problem for me personally, because it is a country forum with a lot of news and news is not there every day, so working with an archive and an active forum is not the problem.
However, it is about the forum itself, the YabBB feeling in which my heart and soul lies. :Smiley

When I look at another forum and it's in phpBB I immediately have a strange feeling, I've been so deep in YaBB since January 2004.
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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #18 - May 20th, 2022 at 7:30am

Hi pyragony54,

I am a user, to my chagrin I never learned programming and am now too old to learn it.

I read your post about the forum problems.

But I can't quite figure it out, I also asked a question on Dandello's forum that I don't even get an answer to.

But what is a big and what is a small forum in your opinion?

My forum has
Total Members: 617
Total Topics: 17.446
Total Posts: 99,383
Average Posts per Member: 161
Total Categories: 12
Total Boards: 45

And is running without any problems except for a small bug and just in a hosting package. 

If Yabb does not continue, I have a problem, I am 78 years old and would not know how to convert to SMF because I never learned. After 18 years of Yabb is it for me all Yabb.  Still I don't want to stop because the forum keeps me sharp and up to date.

It would be a shame if Dandello stops or really doesn't have time, because there is no one else I think who is still working on Yabb. Also, I was translating the Dutch files for 2.7 but I stopped temporarily because there is little movement in Yabb, where have all the others gone?

It’s sad I never learned, how to create with Perl and to built a forum.

I've decided that if YaBB doesn't go any further, I'll just start another forum, and leave Yabb on the server as an archive. So that's not a problem, because converting doesn't seem possible after 40 hours of reading on the internet.


Can't YaBB be saved, can't the old developers be approached and motivated again????????


Because YaBB is still the best forum program for me and for some others, in terms of stability, in defense against attacks, in working with a forum for an Admin.

Dandello, did a very good job for me many times, for which I am still very grateful, but what is the reason the rest has stopped??

With kind regards
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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #17 - May 20th, 2022 at 5:38am
@ Dandello

if YaBB 2.7 won't be released, then so be it. Then let's at least make YaBB 2.6.12 bug-free. In Germany I am in charge of some YaBB forums. The error they all get is this:

Then it was found that some new registrations are set back by a year. This means that if you register today, you have already been a member for a year.

You know I've been a good tester. If you can't send emails via your server, you can always use my server for testing. I can set you up access to one of my free domains at any time, including everything you need. No problem. Talk to me. I see Yabb 2.6.12 has already been ported to Debian 10. Since the support for my admin tool for Debian 9 will soon expire, I'm forced to upgrade. In the meantime Debian 11 is on the market. I don't know what it looks like there yet. Then the mods would have to be checked. If all of that gets fixed, then I'm also happy to translate the help files. Then I will also activate my Russians.
So tell me what you need, you'll get it.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #16 - May 20th, 2022 at 4:06am
As a programmer who has spent a lot of time over the years working on YaBB:  without feedback from testers and users, programming becomes a thankless tedious job. You get a new version going and the hosts stop supporting what you need to make it work or 'security' increases in favor of a different language (which may actually be less secure that Perl but the hosting service techs know PHP and they like the newest and shiniest languages that maybe won't even be around in 5 years).

So yes, YaBB is no longer the robust creation it once was - time has moved on. It looks like there are people around here who have successfully navigated moving from YaBB to to other, better supported, programs.

And I have no objection to whatever advice and help these people can give in that regard being posted on this forum.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #15 - May 20th, 2022 at 2:23am
I am not a programmer. I could type in the fixes, and understand some of the basics, but I have been more of a beta tester than anything.

Over the years, I have seen the developers slowly disappear. The fabulous coders, the people who do the languages, etc, stopped showing up. Some, unfortunately, are no longer with us. Times have changed and people have different priorities, and for many, YaBB is not one of them. I keep a browser window open 24/7 for each yabbforumsoftware and yabbforum, even though the latter has been down for the last couple of months. I have watched the traffic die. It's unfortunate, but without the programmers that have the time to spend without compensation on the project, the project is dead. As mentioned, our rival, SMF has the support, and the interest. Though I stand behind YaBB, I'm going to have to admit they have the better product, YaBB fell behind. My forum has been down due to server issues for several years now, but I think I had a good run when mine was operating. We had a lot of help, the support forums were always busy with questions and answers. We had good times, and I would like to thank everyone that was involved. I'll stick around as long as I can here, and over on yabbforum if it ever comes back on-line. But honestly, unless programmers come back, I think this has gone as far as its going to go.  Sad

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #14 - May 19th, 2022 at 6:07pm
pyragony54 wrote on May 19th, 2022 at 2:36pm:
Just this much: If YaBB isn't further developed soon, I'll quit and switch to SMF. I don't want to do any more work for nothing. I'm not just mad, I'm pissed off.

Thank you pyragony54 for all of the work that you've done over the years to make Yabb better. I understand why you're angry, but to be fair to Dandello, she seems to be in a tough spot when it comes to further developing YaBB.

Even if she had a lot of time to work on YaBB's development, with due respect regarding your work, I don't think it's fair for any of us to expect her to essentially do everything on her own.

I first installed a YaBB forum for one of my sites on February 11, 2002. It was installed on a dedicated server, and I only upgraded it once to the 2.4 version, which is still in operation today. That was over 20 years ago. Until recently, it worked pretty flawlessly. Unfortunately, over the last couple of months, the counting of "Views" zeroes out on numerous topics to start over again, and a number of topics become inaccessible.

Because I regularly backup/download all of YaBB's files via WinSCP, I'm able to upload the backed up associated *.ctb files so that those files are accessible again, but it's a hassle to do that whenever that kind of error is discovered.

I suspect that those errors are happening because the hard drive on my server may be failing, but I don't know that for sure. In any case, I've been experimenting with SMF as well as the phpBB forum software, both of which are robust. My tendency for quite a while was to switch to SMF, but after testing both, including how each one is updated, phpBB has been the easiest for me to use.

Keep in mind that I don't have anywhere near the expertise that Dandello has, so for me, like so many other webmasters, I'm now favoring hosts that use cPanel with the Softaculous Apps Installer. Even updates are relatively seemless, as Softaculous does that for you. After an update is made by the software, webmasters only need to delete one folder as instructed.

For anybody who doesn't already know, it should be noted that both SMF, and phpBB have many team members, and developers. It's organizational structure is such that both are most likely to remain active in their development cycles.

A few years ago, as a test, I moved one of my domains to another host, and onto a shared server. I was impressed with that operation. I realized that I don't actually need a dedicated server to host, and operate the domains I have. Even with the amount of traffic that my most popular domain gets, a shared server will work perfectly fine. I know that now because the domain I tested on the shared server gets a lot of traffic as well given that I made it a sister site of my most popular domain.

In any case, if the YaBB forum I operate ends up failing, or the errors become too numerous, I'll likely switch to a phpBB forum. If I end up doing that, I'll likely stop using a dedicated server; at least for a while unless, or until a dedicated server is warranted.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #13 - May 19th, 2022 at 3:40pm
Unfortunately, I don't see where I'll have time to work on YaBB at any point in the near future. (At this point in time I'm not even sure I have access to the YaBB SVN since I'm pretty sure Jon Baker was in charge of that.)

2.7 appears pretty stable - there is one glitch that I know of related to importing Global Moderator settings from VERY old forums.

Halleffect has posted some bug fixes related to Perl and Linux upgrades - many thanks to him for that.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #12 - May 19th, 2022 at 2:36pm
Hello friends of YaBB,
Personally, I'm not at all surprised that the YaBB forum isn't working anymore. First of all, I have a lot of experience with servers, since I run my own dedicated server. Actually, YaBB should run on a minimally configured virtual server, which it does when not many posts have been posted. When I installed the first YaBB forum in 2008, it was on the Xonder (XTC) server. That worked quite well when the forum was still small. But one day the pages stopped reading. XTC and I didn't find a solution at first. That was around 2010. So I had the idea to try a dedicated server and what happened, the site went through again, the forum worked again. The problem with virtual servers is simple. Many customers on one server, with a simple homepage and there are no problems. With YaBB yes. I then tried some virtual servers, no problem with a small forum, but with a large forum. The pages just don't go through and it crashes because there are just too many customers on the virtual server and everyone wants their pages to open quickly. The problem could also be solved with an SQL database, but YaBB doesn't have that and isn't really needed. Flat file is safer if you move the server. I don't want to go into more detail now, that would go beyond the scope.

I have often offered YaBB and you, Dandello, to test on my server. YaBB can also store all of its pages with me, I have enough space. We would certainly have agreed on a more than low price. There would never be any problems since I make daily backups and the server runs in RAID. But somehow you wrap the cloak of silence about it.

But what pisses me off the most is the fact that YaBB 2.7 is not being further developed. Nothing has happened for two years. For weeks I translated everything into German and in Germany there are two forms of address, so everything twice. I now have two Russian interpreters, still young, but they would translate everything into Russian. Translating the forum itself wasn't a lot of work, but the help files took a lot of time. And all for nothing.
I'll save myself from writing anything further here.

Just this much: If YaBB isn't further developed soon, I'll quit and switch to SMF. I don't want to do any more work for nothing. I'm not just mad, I'm pissed off.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #11 - May 9th, 2022 at 5:18pm
I suppose if there's good news to be had, this forum comes up first in Google search when searching "YaBB forum" with or without the quotes.  Smiley

Although inactive since 2018, the YaBB Facebook page is still up. If anybody here has admin access, it would be great to have YaBB's url address updated.  Cool


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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #10 - May 9th, 2022 at 3:11pm
Still nothing. Its not looking good.  Sad

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #9 - Apr 28th, 2022 at 2:42pm
I have not heard back from Jon Baker.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #8 - Apr 11th, 2022 at 12:12pm
I just sent an Email to Jon Baker. Hopefully the address is still good.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #7 - Apr 10th, 2022 at 8:12pm
Every day I try to connect. I get:

This site can’t be reached took too long to respond.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #6 - Apr 4th, 2022 at 12:31pm
I wasn't able to connect last week (haven't checked today). Not an issue with my ISP. (They're innocent THIS time.)

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #5 - Apr 4th, 2022 at 4:40am
I have not been able to connect for about a week now, but I have been having issues with my ISP (ATT) for just over a month and thought that might be my problem.

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #4 - Mar 28th, 2022 at 7:56pm
No idea. Smiley

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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #3 - Mar 28th, 2022 at 6:18pm
Hi Dandello,

The website - - is offline. Is this temporary ?

Many thanks. Smiley
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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #2 - Jan 13th, 2021 at 9:56pm
Great news Dandello. Smiley

Many thanks.
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Re: Getting Closer on 2.7
Reply #1 - Apr 12th, 2019 at 5:09pm
Off-Topic replies have been moved to this Topic.

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Getting Closer on 2.7
Feb 27th, 2019 at 1:44am
The 'final' version of 2.7 is getting closer. (I had to take some time away from YaBB coding so I could come back with a fresh perspective on code reviewing.)

Changes in Facebook's 'sharing' protocol has necessitated adding the OpenGraph Mod so the Facebook social bookmarks will work.

This week and next I hope to do one last code review before uploading a hopefully stable version to the SVN.

We still need some large forums for testing the Convert Utilities.

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