Dandello Forum AdministratorYaBB Modder Offline I love YaBB 2.7! Posts: 2266 Location: The Land of YaBB Joined: Feb 12th, 2014 Gender: Mood: Annoyed Zodiac sign: Re: StopForumSpam Reply #19 - Feb 15th, 2016 at 4:07pm Mark & QuoteQuote This is the 2.6.12 version (not tested on a live forum). Placement of files has changed. stopforumspam.log and sfs_stats.txt will need to be moved to Variables/Mods. StopForumSpam_Mod_2612.zip ( 15 KB | 433 Downloads ) Perfection is not possible. Excellence, however, is excellent. WWW IP Logged
pyragony54 Language Offline I Love YaBB! Posts: 856 Location: Йошкар-Ола Joined: May 25th, 2014 Gender: Mood: Dead Zodiac sign: Re: StopForumSpam Reply #18 - Feb 15th, 2016 at 8:19am Mark & QuoteQuote Please update to the new version, I get the easy out do not. Problems Step 29th if (idea == 'none') {use (manuals) && (Google | | search)}if ($ answer == 0) {post (question)} IP Logged
pyragony54 Language Offline I Love YaBB! Posts: 856 Location: Йошкар-Ола Joined: May 25th, 2014 Gender: Mood: Dead Zodiac sign: Re: StopForumSpam Reply #17 - Aug 26th, 2015 at 4:12pm Mark & QuoteQuote perfect. if (idea == 'none') {use (manuals) && (Google | | search)}if ($ answer == 0) {post (question)} IP Logged
Dandello Forum Administrator Offline I love YaBB 2.7! Posts: 2266 Location: The Land of YaBB Joined: Feb 12th, 2014 Gender: Mood: Annoyed Zodiac sign: Re: StopForumSpam Reply #16 - Aug 26th, 2015 at 8:20am Mark & QuoteQuote I figured out why it needs '&' That symbol needs be be an html entity when put through a browser. But not when it's a non-browser connection. Perfection is not possible. Excellence, however, is excellent. WWW IP Logged
Dandello Forum Administrator Offline I love YaBB 2.7! Posts: 2266 Location: The Land of YaBB Joined: Feb 12th, 2014 Gender: Mood: Annoyed Zodiac sign: Re: StopForumSpam Reply #15 - Aug 25th, 2015 at 7:07pm Mark & QuoteQuote So long as it works. Perfection is not possible. Excellence, however, is excellent. WWW IP Logged
pyragony54 Language Offline I Love YaBB! Posts: 856 Location: Йошкар-Ола Joined: May 25th, 2014 Gender: Mood: Dead Zodiac sign: Re: StopForumSpam Reply #14 - Aug 25th, 2015 at 5:57pm Mark & QuoteQuote This & and this & makes a huge difference. & is recognized & no longer works. Why? amp; is an unknown variable, the html or xhtml does not know. I can not explain better, but I think you know what I mean. & (it is not recognized that) = & (normally) The flaw is just in detail. I can not explain it better. if (idea == 'none') {use (manuals) && (Google | | search)}if ($ answer == 0) {post (question)} IP Logged
pyragony54 Language Offline I Love YaBB! Posts: 856 Location: Йошкар-Ола Joined: May 25th, 2014 Gender: Mood: Dead Zodiac sign: Re: StopForumSpam Reply #13 - Aug 25th, 2015 at 5:37pm Mark & QuoteQuote I had the URL changed, the code brought 500th Code Fehler: 500 Heute um 09:48 Dementia funseeker286@gmail.com Fehler: 500 Gestern um 15:56 maximus85 marx99@web.de In my amendment, it looks and worked for my test. Code OK Heute um 19:10 Vw1991@86c polo1991@web.de OK Heute um 18:06 Jack79 jan.vozab1979@gmail.com Geblockt Heute um 11:12 lammie jamesgwalton53@yahoo.com IP and email address are listed Black. if (idea == 'none') {use (manuals) && (Google | | search)}if ($ answer == 0) {post (question)} IP Logged
Dandello Forum Administrator Offline I love YaBB 2.7! Posts: 2266 Location: The Land of YaBB Joined: Feb 12th, 2014 Gender: Mood: Annoyed Zodiac sign: Re: StopForumSpam Reply #12 - Aug 25th, 2015 at 1:08pm Mark & QuoteQuote Changing the & to & shouldn't have any affect. But apparently it does. (But according to StopForumSpam's documentation, they did change the url.) Perfection is not possible. Excellence, however, is excellent. WWW IP Logged
pyragony54 Language Offline I Love YaBB! Posts: 856 Location: Йошкар-Ола Joined: May 25th, 2014 Gender: Mood: Dead Zodiac sign: Re: StopForumSpam Reply #11 - Aug 25th, 2015 at 9:21am Mark & QuoteQuote How it works, have tested it. Search Code $sfs_url = 'http://www.stopforumspam.com/api?username=' . $sfs_username . '&ip=' . $user_ip . '&email=' . $sfs_email; $get_reg_spam = $ua->get($sfs_url); and Replace Code $sfs_url = 'http://www.stopforumspam.com/api?username=' . $sfs_username . '&ip=' . $user_ip . '&email=' . $sfs_email; $get_reg_spam = $ua->get($sfs_url); if (idea == 'none') {use (manuals) && (Google | | search)}if ($ answer == 0) {post (question)} IP Logged
Dandello Forum Administrator Offline I love YaBB 2.7! Posts: 2266 Location: The Land of YaBB Joined: Feb 12th, 2014 Gender: Mood: Annoyed Zodiac sign: Re: StopForumSpam Reply #10 - Aug 5th, 2015 at 2:02am Mark & QuoteQuote Well, according to StopForumSpam.com that's the current url for the api - which is what YaBB should be contacting. Perfection is not possible. Excellence, however, is excellent. WWW IP Logged
pyragony54 Language Offline I Love YaBB! Posts: 856 Location: Йошкар-Ола Joined: May 25th, 2014 Gender: Mood: Dead Zodiac sign: Re: StopForumSpam Reply #9 - Aug 5th, 2015 at 1:41am Mark & QuoteQuote It is possible that this is the error. I can now not check, am just in Moscow and then on to fly now Kazan and Yoshkar-Ola. I'm only next Wednesday at home again. if (idea == 'none') {use (manuals) && (Google | | search)}if ($ answer == 0) {post (question)} IP Logged
Dandello Forum Administrator Offline I love YaBB 2.7! Posts: 2266 Location: The Land of YaBB Joined: Feb 12th, 2014 Gender: Mood: Annoyed Zodiac sign: Re: StopForumSpam Reply #8 - Aug 4th, 2015 at 11:24pm Mark & QuoteQuote It looks like they changed the url to the service. In StopForumSpam.pm find Code 'http://www.stopforumspam.com/api?username=' and replace it with Code 'http://api.stopforumspam.com/api?username=' Perfection is not possible. Excellence, however, is excellent. WWW IP Logged
Dandello Forum Administrator Offline I love YaBB 2.7! Posts: 2266 Location: The Land of YaBB Joined: Feb 12th, 2014 Gender: Mood: Annoyed Zodiac sign: Re: StopForumSpam Reply #7 - Aug 3rd, 2015 at 10:26pm Mark & QuoteQuote I'll look at it tomorrow - they may have changed something. Perfection is not possible. Excellence, however, is excellent. WWW IP Logged
pyragony54 Language Offline I Love YaBB! Posts: 856 Location: Йошкар-Ола Joined: May 25th, 2014 Gender: Mood: Dead Zodiac sign: Re: StopForumSpam Reply #6 - Aug 3rd, 2015 at 9:21pm Mark & QuoteQuote No, there are no blocked. There go all through, good as well as bad IPs if (idea == 'none') {use (manuals) && (Google | | search)}if ($ answer == 0) {post (question)} IP Logged
Dandello Forum Administrator Offline I love YaBB 2.7! Posts: 2266 Location: The Land of YaBB Joined: Feb 12th, 2014 Gender: Mood: Annoyed Zodiac sign: Re: StopForumSpam Reply #5 - Aug 3rd, 2015 at 6:36pm Mark & QuoteQuote Are you saying the that mod is blocking 'good' IPs or that it's letting though 'bad' IPs? Perfection is not possible. Excellence, however, is excellent. WWW IP Logged
pyragony54 Language Offline I Love YaBB! Posts: 856 Location: Йошкар-Ола Joined: May 25th, 2014 Gender: Mood: Dead Zodiac sign: Re: StopForumSpam Reply #4 - Aug 3rd, 2015 at 6:06am Mark & QuoteQuote I've noticed that the mod is not working. There are blocked although listed in the database and this was also achievable no IPs. Please check. Just an example: Quote:Status Datum und Zeit Benutzername eMail-Addresse IP-Addresse OK Heute um 05:03 Albrecht450 feric53@ymail.com if (idea == 'none') {use (manuals) && (Google | | search)}if ($ answer == 0) {post (question)} IP Logged
pyragony54 Language Offline I Love YaBB! Posts: 856 Location: Йошкар-Ола Joined: May 25th, 2014 Gender: Mood: Dead Zodiac sign: Re: StopForumSpam Reply #3 - Dec 7th, 2014 at 11:15am Mark & QuoteQuote Adapted for Build 1611 StopForumSpam_261.zip ( 14 KB | 323 Downloads ) StopForumSpam_German-Files_001.zip ( 7 KB | 321 Downloads ) if (idea == 'none') {use (manuals) && (Google | | search)}if ($ answer == 0) {post (question)} IP Logged
pyragony54 Language Offline I Love YaBB! Posts: 856 Location: Йошкар-Ола Joined: May 25th, 2014 Gender: Mood: Dead Zodiac sign: Re: StopForumSpam Reply #2 - Jul 9th, 2014 at 9:59am Mark & QuoteQuote A lot of hard work, but it works. Here the German files. StopForumSpam_German-Files.zip ( 7 KB | 284 Downloads ) if (idea == 'none') {use (manuals) && (Google | | search)}if ($ answer == 0) {post (question)} IP Logged
Dandello Forum Administrator Offline I love YaBB 2.7! Posts: 2266 Location: The Land of YaBB Joined: Feb 12th, 2014 Gender: Mood: Annoyed Zodiac sign: Re: StopForumSpam Reply #1 - Jul 9th, 2014 at 12:20am Mark & QuoteQuote StopForumSpam Mod for YaBB 2.6.0 Version 0.7 Description ----------- This Mod will allow you to check the StopForumSpam.com database for Usernames, Email Addresses and IP Addresses on registration, guest posting, broadcast message, alert moderator and send topic. You can also allow Administrators to submit details to the database when spammers get through who haven't already been submitted (you will need an API Key from their website for the submit feature to work). Installation ------------ 1) Modify YaBB files using BoardMod or manually. 2) Upload modified files to your server in ASCII mode. 3) Upload StopForumSpam.pm and StopForumSpam.lng to their relevant directories in ASCII mode. 4) Upload sfs.png to yabbfiles/Modfiles in binary mode. 5) Go to Admin Center -> Antispam Settings -> StopForumSpam to configure the settings. Files to edit ------------- AdminIndex.pl Admin/Admin.pm Admin/AdminSubList.pm Admin/ModList.pm Admin/ModuleChecker.pm Admin/NewSettings.pm Admin/RegistrationLog.pm Admin/Settings_Antispam.pm Languages/English/Admin.lng Languages/English/Error.lng Languages/English/Register.lng Sources/BoardIndex.pm Sources/Post.pm Sources/Profile.pm Sources/Register.pm Sources/SendTopic.pm Sources/SubList.pm Templates/default/BoardIndex.template Version History --------------- V0.1 - First release - 8th September 2011 V0.1.1 - Optimized to only send one request - 13th September 2011 V0.1.2 - Fixed small syntax error - 16th October 2011 V0.2 - Added Admin options to choose which details to check against the database - 20th October 2011 V0.2.1 - Added error message if unable to connect to the SopForumSpam database and moved code below other checks on registration page - 26th October 2011 V0.2.2 - Added a timeout and Admin option to choose how registration should behave if the StopForumSpam database is unavailable and added a custom URL option to redirect spammers to another page/website - 31st October 2011 V0.3 - Added to the Module Check in Admin Center - 1st November 2011 V0.3.1 - Added module checks to the Register page so there will be no spam checks or errors if the required modules are not installed, and added module checks to the settings page so that the settings cannot be enabled if the required modules are not installed - 2nd November 2011 V0.4 - Added Auto-banning for IP Addresses and Email Addresses - 7th November 2011 V0.5 - Added ability for Administrators to submit spam to the StopForumSpam database from user profiles and the registration log, added option to block IPs on server level and moved code to a separate file - 16th November 2011 V0.5.1 - Fixed bug with auto-adding email addresses and added StopForumSpam Statistics to Admin Center and Board Index - 24th November 2011 V0.5.2 - Tidied up Statistics code - 24th November 2011 V0.6 - Added StopForumSpam registration log and added checks to guest posting, broadcast message, alert moderator and send topic - 27th November 2011 V0.7 - Converted to 2.6.0 by Dandello - July 4th, 2014 StopForumSpam_260.zip ( 14 KB | 313 Downloads ) Perfection is not possible. Excellence, however, is excellent. WWW IP Logged
Dandello Forum Administrator Offline I love YaBB 2.7! Posts: 2266 Location: The Land of YaBB Joined: Feb 12th, 2014 Gender: Mood: Annoyed Zodiac sign: StopForumSpam Jul 2nd, 2014 at 3:16am Mark & QuoteQuote By Derek Barnstorm Update currently under testing - Other antispam features have been turned off in hopes of getting some 'bad' registrations and bans. Perfection is not possible. Excellence, however, is excellent. WWW IP Logged