Dandello Forum AdministratorYaBB Modder Offline I love YaBB 2.7! Posts: 2260 Location: The Land of YaBB Joined: Feb 12th, 2014 Gender: Mood: Annoyed Zodiac sign: Re: BoardMod down, Carsten's Board gone Reply #2 - Sep 6th, 2017 at 5:35pm BoardMod should now be okay. JonB is going to be working on the server (assuming Hurricane Irma doesn't blow him away. ) Perfection is not possible. Excellence, however, is excellent. WWW IP Logged
pyragony54 Language Offline I Love YaBB! Posts: 855 Location: Йошкар-Ола Joined: May 25th, 2014 Gender: Mood: Dead Zodiac sign: Re: BoardMod down, Carsten's Board gone Reply #1 - Sep 1st, 2017 at 5:30am Dandello wrote on Aug 31st, 2017 at 4:18pm:We had warning quite some time ago that Carsten's Mod Board would be gone - it finally is. Although we are disappointed that Carsten is no longer working on YaBB, we wish him the best for his current and future endeavors. We all knew that, it was only a matter of time. Now there are only three of us, you, XTC and me, and I can do very little. Only, XTC has little time, which is also known, which is why it releases its mods to adapt to YaBB 2.7. For him is not a problem. if (idea == 'none') {use (manuals) && (Google | | search)}if ($ answer == 0) {post (question)} IP Logged
Dandello Forum Administrator Offline I love YaBB 2.7! Posts: 2260 Location: The Land of YaBB Joined: Feb 12th, 2014 Gender: Mood: Annoyed Zodiac sign: BoardMod down, Carsten's Board gone Aug 31st, 2017 at 4:18pm Both of these have been removed from links here. BoardMod is currently useless as the attachments log was completely trashed (at least a week ago) and I have gotten no response from JonB to get FTP access to fix it. We had warning quite some time ago that Carsten's Mod Board would be gone - it finally is. Although we are disappointed that Carsten is no longer working on YaBB, we wish him the best for his current and future endeavors. Perfection is not possible. Excellence, however, is excellent. WWW IP Logged