Dandello Forum AdministratorYaBB Modder Offline I love YaBB 2.7! Posts: 2260 Location: The Land of YaBB Joined: Feb 12th, 2014 Gender: Mood: Annoyed Zodiac sign: Re: Will YaBB work w Perl ver contained in Alma 8.10? Reply #7 - Nov 14th, 2024 at 1:45pm Mark & QuoteQuote Here is what you need. Place the directories in their proper place - yabbfiles on the same level as the cgi-bin and yabb2 inside the cgi-bin. Make sure setup.pl, yabb.pl and admin.pl are CHMOdded to 755. Also Convert2x.pl Run setup.pl - that will tell you what required Perl mods are missing. Once Setup has successfully run, You should get a prompt to run the converter. The converter as not been tested on the most recent Perl. If you get errors, save the error text and we can do fixes. If your old forum was working you'd copy BoardConvert.pl into your OLD yabb2 folder and run it from there on your OLD forum to get a converted forum.control. Since your old forum isn't working, you can't. Which means your boards may be messed up on converting. These CAN be fixed by hand. yabb2612install.zip ( 2032 KB | 9 Downloads ) Perfection is not possible. Excellence, however, is excellent. WWW IP Logged
Joe Cool New Member Offline I Love YaBB! Posts: 4 Joined: Nov 10th, 2024 Gender: Zodiac sign: Re: Will YaBB work w Perl ver contained in Alma 8.10? Reply #6 - Nov 14th, 2024 at 8:49am Mark & QuoteQuote Thank you. I'd hate to waste my time with 2.5. I have access to everything on the server. I have the server. I have root access. VPS. I can't do anything with the old forum because it won't load at all. The v2.4 YaBB.pl just throws an internal server error. Fails miserably. Is there something I'm missing? I am going to get 2.6.12 like you recommend. I am at Sourceforge right now. I have no experience downloading files from Sourceforge. Can you please guide me through the process of getting the correct files I need? At Sourceforge, the readme says: WELCOME TO YABB 2.6.12 RELEASE This version is the latest Stable release! Install notes: Setup.pl is the way to install YaBB .... 1) Open Quick-Guide/Quick-Guide.html to view detailed installation and upgrade instructions. 2) Upload and chmod your files as stated in the Quick-Guide. 3) Next, setup a fresh YaBB 2.6.12 forum by executing Setup.pl from your web browser. 4) If converting previous version, run Setup.pl again, and follow the instructions on the web page before proceeding. 5) The default administrator username's password is "admin." 6) Remove Setup.pl when installation (and conversion if applicable) is complete. It's been a while since I've done this, so I'm pretty rusty. My understanding is that I won't be "converting" because I can't access the current v2.4 board, right? I was planning to install the new board, then rename (or delete) /boards /members /messages and /attachments. Then copy over from the old board's files > /boards /members /mesages and /attachments into the folder containing the new 2.6.12 files. At Sourceforge, I see everything in /tree/trunk. I see the yabb2 files located in /trunk/cgi-bin/yabb2 And I see the yabbfiles located in /trunk/public_html/yabbfiles Do I need anything besides the files contained in /yabb2 and /yabbfiles? I also see conf, db, hooks and locks. Do I need these? I don't recall ever using those before. Just /yabb2 and /yabbfiles. I downloaded a snapshot of yabb-svn-r2078-trunk-cgi-bin-yabb2.zip (1,108 KB) and a snapshot of yabb-svn-r2078-trunk-public_html-yabbfiles.zip (838 KB) These file sizes seem small to me. 1,108 KB and 838 KB. Is this all I need? The current yabbfiles are located in a directory named /yabb24files (in /public_html). So I was planning to create a new directory in /public_html named > /yabb26files. Then I could upload the yabbfiles.zip and un-archive it there. Then chmod appropriately. If I recall correctly, the installer will allow me to point the script to whatever directory in public_html I like. (such as /public_html/yabb26files) Then I was planning to create a new directory in /cgi-bin named /yabb26, and uload the yabb2.zip file and un-archive it there. Where I would go to work chmod'ing appropriately. Once all the chmod'ing is done for both /yabb26 and /yabb26files, I was thinking of naming the current /yabb2 directory (located in /cgi-bin) to /yabb24. Then I was planning to rename the /yabb26 directory to /yabb2. Then I could launch the Setup.pl and rock-n-roll. After things are running hunky-dory (fingers crossed), I could copy over the old /boards /members /mesages and /attachments from /yabb24 into the new /yabb2 directory. How does this sound? What am I missing? I appreciate the help and the insight. It's been a long time since I've done this. IP Logged
Dandello Forum Administrator Offline I love YaBB 2.7! Posts: 2260 Location: The Land of YaBB Joined: Feb 12th, 2014 Gender: Mood: Annoyed Zodiac sign: Re: Will YaBB work w Perl ver contained in Alma 8.10? Reply #5 - Nov 14th, 2024 at 5:46am Mark & QuoteQuote 2.5 won't work. If you have access to the admin.vars for editing, you can reset the password directly and YaBB will encrypt it. Setting the old foryum in upgrade made is to keep anyone from accessing while it's being converted. Perfection is not possible. Excellence, however, is excellent. WWW IP Logged
Joe Cool New Member Offline I Love YaBB! Posts: 4 Joined: Nov 10th, 2024 Gender: Zodiac sign: Re: Will YaBB work w Perl ver contained in Alma 8.10? Reply #4 - Nov 14th, 2024 at 12:48am Mark & QuoteQuote Thanks. What about v2.5? Will 2.5 work with perl 5.26.3? I already have the files for 2.5 on the server. They just aren't installed. I have a folder sitting in cgi-bin named /yabb25 right next to /yabb2. All the goodies are in there. And I have a directory in the main public_html folder named /yabb25files, sitting right next to a folder named /yabb24files. I forgot about that. I was going over the upgrade instructions. Since the old forum will not load, I obviously can't put it in Maint mode. What if I don't remember my admin login from the old 2.4 board? Then I imagine myself in an upgraded board after transferring over all the old files, but not being able to access admin ctr to take it out of maint mode. Insights? Solutions? Maybe I could tell it I forgot my pw and have it send me a new pw, or a link to reset pw at email addy. Does that sound workable? I have verified that I can access that email acct and those messages in cPanel. Though I don't use that email acct any more. IP Logged
Dandello Forum Administrator Offline I love YaBB 2.7! Posts: 2260 Location: The Land of YaBB Joined: Feb 12th, 2014 Gender: Mood: Annoyed Zodiac sign: Re: Will YaBB work w Perl ver contained in Alma 8.10? Reply #3 - Nov 13th, 2024 at 12:36pm Mark & QuoteQuote YaBB 2.6.12 works under Perl 5.26.3 - you can get it from the SVN, (trunk) Have no idea if the conversion utilities will work for you. On installing make sure you select the 'full path' for the Paths.pm. Perfection is not possible. Excellence, however, is excellent. WWW IP Logged
Joe Cool New Member Offline I Love YaBB! Posts: 4 Joined: Nov 10th, 2024 Gender: Zodiac sign: Re: Will YaBB work w Perl ver contained in Alma 8.10? Reply #2 - Nov 13th, 2024 at 11:53am Mark & QuoteQuote Thank-you kindly. I will assume then that it is due to a problem with me running YaBB 2.4. I am not surprised. My server tech ran the YaBB script from the command line and got the follow errors: [root@host1 yabb2]# perl -wc YaBB.pl Use of uninitialized value $ENV{"SERVER_SOFTWARE"} in pattern match (m//) at YaBB.pl line 31. Use of uninitialized value $script_root in substitution (s///) at YaBB.pl line 45. Can't locate Paths.pl in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 ./Modules) at YaBB.pl line 47. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at YaBB.pl line 61. Does this tell you anything? Looks greek to me. I appreciate any insight. Will be looking fwd to YaBB 2.6 I am also 5.26.3. So that is promising then. IP Logged
Dandello Forum Administrator Offline I love YaBB 2.7! Posts: 2260 Location: The Land of YaBB Joined: Feb 12th, 2014 Gender: Mood: Annoyed Zodiac sign: Re: Will YaBB work w Perl ver contained in Alma 8.10? Reply #1 - Nov 11th, 2024 at 4:37pm Mark & QuoteQuote Okay, don't know what version of Perl is included in Alma 8.10. The version of Perl running on this server is 5.26.3 Newer versions of Perl do not contain some of the required modules YaBB uses, such as CGI.pm YaBB 2.4 also conains a lot of deprecated code. Hopefully by the end of the week I can have a Yabb 2.6 available for download here. Perfection is not possible. Excellence, however, is excellent. WWW IP Logged
Joe Cool New Member Offline I Love YaBB! Posts: 4 Joined: Nov 10th, 2024 Gender: Zodiac sign: Will YaBB work w Perl ver contained in Alma 8.10? Nov 10th, 2024 at 9:37am Mark & QuoteQuote Hi. Longtime YaBB user. Currently have v2.4 installed. Just upgraded server OS from CentOS 7.9 to Alma 8.10 Now YaBB not working. [ It won't let post a link to forum cuz I'm a newbie. ] Internal server error. Probably due to newer version of Perl. Or maybe due to some other item that I am not aware of. Can somebody tell me if the latest version of YaBB will work with the version of Perl contained in Alma 8.10? Thank-you kindly. IP Logged