The Admin section:
file '' renamed to ''
file '' renamed to '' added files '', '' changes to '': find
$SectionBody1 = qq~<p>This YaBB version comes equipped with many powerful tools to manage and control the conversational flow of your community, the cornerstone of which is the ability to group Boards into an unlimited<b>*</b> number of Categories. In order to access these functions, you must, of course, be logged in as an Administrator (or Global Moderator with proper access rights). Once you are, look at the Main tabbed menu at the top of your forum under the logo. You will notice a link titled “Admin Center”. Clicking this will bring you to a large control panel. On the left hand menu, search for the section titled “Forum Controls” and click on the first link titled “Categories”.</p>
replace with:
$SectionBody1 = q~<p>This YaBB version comes equipped with many powerful tools to manage and control the conversational flow of your community, the cornerstone of which is the ability to group Boards into an unlimited<b>*</b> number of Categories. In order to access these functions, you must, of course, be logged in as an Administrator (or Global Moderator with proper access rights). Once you are, look at the Main tabbed menu at the top of your forum under the logo. You will notice a link titled “Admin”. Clicking this will bring up a password screen so you can verify that your are, in fact, authorized to work in the Admin Center. Once your password is confirmed, you will be taken to the Administrator's control panel. On the left hand menu, search for the section titled “Forum Controls” and click on the link titled “Categories”.</p>
<li>If you wish to use an image for your Category, type the complete URL to the image in this box using the standard format:</li>
replace with:
<li>If you wish to use an image for your Category, you can upload an image to be used.</li>
<p class="help_attn"><b><span class="underline">Administrator Tip:</span></b> File types allowed for Category pictures are .bmp, .gif, .jpg, and .png. Category Pictures will need to be about 25px in height to keep the same height aspects of Categories without pictures.</p>
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<p class="help_attn"><b><span class="underline">Administrator Tip:</span></b> File types allowed for Category pictures are .bmp, .gif, .jpg, and .png. To save on download bandwidth, Category Pictures should be pre-sized to be about 25px in height. If you have set image size for Board Images in “Advanced Settings -> Images”, over-sized Category images will be resized to the same size as the Board Images.</p>
<p class="help_attn"><b><span class="underline">Administrator Tip:</span></b> Your new Category will not be visible on the Board Index (main) page of the forum until it has at least one board in it.</p>
add after:
<li><b><span class="underline">RSS</span></b>
<li>If you have RSS (Really Simple Syndication) enabled (“Advanced Settings -> Permalinks/RSS”), checking this box will put an RSS button in the Category. RSS allows users to keep up to date on the newest information on a board without having stay on the forum site.</li>
<li>Check this box to allow your users to expand and collapse this Category on the Main Index page.</li>
add after:
<li><b><span class="underline">RSS</span></b>
<li>If you have RSS (Really Simple Syndication) enabled (“Advanced Settings -> Permalinks/RSS”), checking this box will put an RSS button in the Category. RSS allows users to keep up to date on the newest information on a board without having stay on the forum site.</li>
changes to '' find:
$SectionBody1 = qq~<p>Now that you have created your Categories, you can use YaBB's amazing Board-creation utilities to manage the post-able sections of your community. YaBB allows you to create an unlimited<b>*</b> number of boards in every category. In order to access these functions, you must be logged in as an Administrator or Global Moderator with proper access rights. Once you are, look at the main menu. You will notice a link titled “Admin Center”. Clicking this will bring you to a large control panel. On the left hand menu, search for the section titled “Forum Controls” and click on the second link titled “Boards”.</p>
replace with:
$SectionBody1 = q~<p>Now that you have created your Categories, you can use YaBB's amazing Board-creation utilities to manage the post-able sections of your community. YaBB allows you to create an unlimited<b>*</b> number of boards in every category. In order to access these functions, you must be logged in as an Administrator or Global Moderator with proper access rights. Once you are, look at the main menu. You will notice a link titled “Admin”. Clicking this will bring up a password screen so you can verify that your are, in fact, authorized to work in the Admin Center. Once your password is confirmed, you will be taken to the Administrator's control panel. On the left hand menu, search for the section titled “Forum Controls” and click on the link titled “Boards”.</p>
<li>Here you can assign a small image to represent this board. Type the complete URL to the image in this box using the standard format: Allowed image formats are .gif, .jpg, .png, and .bmp.</li>
replace with:
<li>Here you can assign a small image to represent this board. Choose which template the board picture will apply to. (You can assign different board graphics for each template you have.) Then type the complete URL to the image into the URL box using the standard format: You can also upload board pictures. These will be stored in the 'Boards' folder in the template graphics folder. You can set the size of the board graphic by going to Admin Center/Forum Configuration/Advanced Settings “Images” tab. 50 by 50 is generally a good size for board picture. Allowed image formats are .gif, .jpg, and .png.</li>
<p class="help_attn"><b><span class="underline">Administrator Tip:</span></b> If you already have a board picture assigned to a particular template and wish to change the picture, delete the old picture first.</p>
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<h4>Banning a Member</h4>
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<h4>Banning a Member from the Banning Utility</h4>
### Section 4
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<h4>Banning a Member from their Profile</h4>
<p class="help_attn">Banning from their Profile gives the Admin (or other authorized staff person) the option of banning the member for set time periods, giving a reason for the banning and the opto sending the an e-mail notifying them of the ban.</p>
<li><b>IP Address</b>
<li>Banning by IP address will prevent anyone from accessing your board if their IP address is listed here.</li>
<p class="help_attn"><b><span class="underline">Administrator Tip:</span></b> You can only block IP's that are listed in the member's profile.</p> </li>
<li><b>E-mail Address</b>
<li>This method allows you to prevent anyone using a specific e-mail address (example: from registering or logging in.</li>
<li><b>User ID</b>
<li>Note that this is <i>not</i> their Screen Name.</li>
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<p class="help_attn"><b><span class="underline">Administrator Tip:</span></b> Some actions depend on what level of Profile edit the Global Moderator has been granted. Access to such things as PM Attachments and downloading YaBB backups depend on having the Admin Edits option checked.</p>
<p class="help_attn"><b><span class="underline">Administrator Tip:</span></b> In most cases, actions you do NOT select for the Global Moderator will not even be visible to them in the Admin Center; however this is <i>not always the case</i>.</p>
### Section 6
$SectionSub6 = "Forum_Moderator";
$SectionBody6 = q~<p>New in YaBB 2.6 is the “Forum Moderator”. This is a position with more global privileges than Board Moderator and fewer than Global Moderator. The Forum Moderator has automatic moderation privileges for <strong>all</strong> member accessible boards but has no access to administrator functions except for banning and unbanning members from member Profiles.</p>