Dandello Forum AdministratorYaBB Modder Offline I love YaBB 2.7! Posts: 2266 Location: The Land of YaBB Joined: Feb 12th, 2014 Gender: Mood: Annoyed Zodiac sign: Reporting Bugs Aug 15th, 2017 at 3:07pm If you are reporting a coding issue, error, or bug - Check this Board: it may be being worked on or a fix may have already been posted.Report the bug/error in this board - not in PMs to the Admin.Give the specific steps required to trigger the error - including the language affected if you have more than English installedIf posting a screen capture of the issue, if the language is not English, give a translation.Bugs related to Mods should be posted in the thread related to that Mod2.7.00 is still in testing phase - so are the 2.7.00 Mods. Perfection is not possible. Excellence, however, is excellent. WWW IP Logged