Hide From Guests

by Dandello

YaBB Mod Language

Lang: English
  • $contextxt{'hideg'} = 'Hide from Guests:<br /><br />Select the text:<br />[SELECT]This text<br />will be hidden from guests[/SELECT]<br /><br />Click on the \"[TITLE]\" button: [BUTTON]<br /><br /><b>YaBBC Code:</b><br />[hideg]This text<br />will be hidden from guests[/hideg]<br /><br /><b>Result if Guest:</b><br />[HIDEG]This text<br />will be hidden from guests[/HIDEG]';
  • $display_txt{'hideg'} = 'You must be logged in to see this.';
  • $post_txt{'hideg'} = 'Hide from Guests';
  • $post_txt{'hidegc'} = 'You must be logged in to see this.';

No separate language (.lng) file.

YaBB Mod Language

Language Quick Check